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Overworked employee finally quits after being falsely accused by boss of 'sabotaging' the company

Employee resigns from their job after the boss puts all the blame on them for a mishap and accuses them of sabotaging the company.

Overworked employee finally quits after being falsely accused by boss of 'sabotaging' the company
Representative Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio; (R) Reddit | u/djeinmein

The most common mistake employees make on the job is considering that the establishment is their personal liability. Since people spend so much time on their work, the lines between personal and professional get blurred for them. u/djeinmein shares why this is not the right choice. They worked to their bones for the company they were employed with, but when things did not work out, they were the first person to get blamed. Frustrated by the attitude meted out to them, they decided to completely break ties. They shared the whole course of events on Reddit.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Yan Krukau
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Yan Krukau

The employee began the post by giving a detailed description of the responsibilities they had on their job. They shared, "I was responsible for training and evaluation of new hires, repairing stuff that's broken, coming up with new creative ideas and making sure that there was reserve and stuff of everything." Though it was a lot, one of the things they liked the most about this job was the variation it provided. But slowly and steadily, the pressure got to them and they started to feel burnt out.

To deal with this, they took a three-week vacation. While dealing with this, they had some discussions with their boss about the situation. Their boss told them, "I like seeing people crash, so I know where their limit is. It's a learning experience." Looking back, the employee identifies this as the first red flag that they shouldn't have ignored.

After returning to work from vacation, they were pushed into discussions about employees' wages. They did not agree with the call taken but had to back down because of being outnumbered. The decision was communicated horribly to the employees, leading to them refusing to return to work. Somehow, the blame was put on the individual, even though they were against the decision from the get-go. The boss got so frustrated by the mishap that they called the employee at 10 PM to communicate grievances.

The following day, the boss again called the employee to deal with an absent worker. Since they were busy with a family dinner, they could not receive the call. It irritated the boss so much that they started bad-mouthing the employee in a group chat, which included all their coworkers. They were being blamed for purposefully harming the establishment. It angered the employee.

Image Source: u/Nkechinyerembi
Image Source: Reddit/u/Nkechinyerembi

Their first thought was, "Sure, I'm sabotaging a company from which I got a burnout. Sure, I'm sabotaging a company for which I regularly canceled my plans and went to work instead. Sure, that makes sense." It was the last straw for them, as they handed in their resignation letter. They could not take more disrespect from a company they put so much effort into and chose themselves.

Image Source: Reddit/u/Sircrusterson
Image Source: Reddit/u/Sircrusterson

The comment section supported their decision. u/Thisbymaster shared their take on the situation and commented, "These accusations are always confessions. He is sabotaging the company and looking for scapegoats. You are quitting, which is what he wants, so he can then blame all his failures on you. That excuse will run out soon, so he will start blaming someone else. Until your old boss is exposed to someone above him, this toxicity will continue." u/projektako gave valuable advice to the employee and wrote, "Don't forget to keep receipts. That's borderline harassment and it seems like your boss is such a gem that he's likely to be vindictive and try to ruin your career and/or reputation."

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