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Outperforming employee has the last laugh after HR cuts his yearly pay by 30 percent without notice

Despite the overwhelming efforts and working hours the employee put in, the company reduced his pay only to get themselves into a greater debacle.

Outperforming employee has the last laugh after HR cuts his yearly pay by 30 percent without notice
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Jopwell, Reddit|u/ForWango

Every employee wants a workplace where they are respected and not taken for granted. Many workers put in tremendous effort to prove their worth and deliver excellent results but are often overlooked by their companies. In such cases, employees should look at what they need to achieve corporate growth. u/ForWango shared their personal experience and the stand they took after their company deducted their salary despite much hard work and hustle. The employee mentioned that they were in a crucial managerial position and the job was not an easy one. They had put in dire efforts to provide efficient results. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Andrea Piacquadio

“I worked my a** off and worked more than 500 overtime hours last year and even covered for other people since we had high fluctuation in the company,” the post explained. The employee was also complimented and encouraged for the work they were putting in. However, things took an unwanted turn when the employee’s contract was renewed. “Since I am an expat in that country under a 2-year contract that gets constantly renewed, recently it got refreshed. Out of the blue HR cut my yearly pay by 30% and said it’s due to new compliance guidelines, they said I can leave if I don’t like the offer,” the post mentioned. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Antoni Shkraba
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Antoni Shkraba

As suggested, the employee began hunting for better opportunities to leverage their growth and get due wages for the effort they were tirelessly putting in. “I applied to another of our subsidiaries and got a higher position that pays double what they offered. Leaving here soon,” the employee remarked. Now, that the employee had made up their mind to acquire something better, the superiors were upset. “The CEO, HQ and my manager are pissed at HR. Feels good,” the employee said. Adding more in an update, the employee pointed out how they had just been settling for less all the time.

“Asked me to look for a replacement. Called HQ and they said, ‘We don’t think anyone here would like to transfer for that salary’. So, HR would need to revert the contract for the next person. All my local co-workers said that they were not willing to do the job because of the high-stress level. Too funny,” the post read. The company was clearly in the wrong for undermining the employee and taking advantage of their loyalty and commitment. A user, u/vig2OOO, commented, “Especially because the corporations win 99% of the time, so it’s nice to see a victory on our side.”

u/pchlster, who had a similar experience, added, “I've had the opportunity to see the place I quit a few times since. They hired three people to do most of my old job. And what was the impossible-to-meet demand I had made? One person, half the day. Are those three people at least delivering comparable levels of quality? Nope.” u/EnigmaGuy remarked, “Congrats on the new higher-paying position. It's always comical when someone in the higher position thinks they have the upper hand and gives an ultimatum like this, only for it not to go their way and now they're upset and looking to blame anyone but themselves.”

Image Source: Reddit|u/Harrison2
Image Source: Reddit|u/Harrison2
Image Source: Reddit|u/luekestman
Image Source: Reddit|u/luekestman


This article originally appeared 10 months ago.

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