'They don’t tolerate the same level of bull and harassment that we did at their ages,' noted one woman.
A woman has power on her own; as a group, we have an impact. Because there were so few positions at the top, we were traditionally encouraged to be competitive with one another. It is so obvious that this tactic fails. The reality is that the only real way we can alter the situation—and have a lot more fun doing it—is by lifting one other up and utilizing the power of teamwork. Moreover, there is a huge generational chasm of women from different generations, and for some reason, the mantra of tearing others down to rise up has been the norm. While we all crave community with women our own age, the company and support from older women is always refreshing, something which we cannot find in our fellow peers, at times.
Recently, a Reddit user u/FlavourThoughts asked, "Older women of Reddit, what’s something you notice younger girls do, that makes you happy?" While the responses were heartwarming but they were also surprisingly astonishing because we thought generations were often up against each other with knives, but we came to realize that we're alike in more ways than we are different. Here are some of the top comments we found:
1. Zero tolerance for creeps
"They don’t feel they have to be polite to an adult that is making them uncomfortable, harassing them, etc. I’m so, so, so glad that young women nowadays are clapping back at creeps." —u/HiJane72
2. Don't give a f*** if you judge me
"Lots of things, but the first thing I thought of was the other day I saw a girl in her 20s with green hair and headphones singing and dancing while waiting to cross the street, like she didn't have a care in the world. I do this in the privacy of my own home, but I envy that 'don't give a f*ck if you judge me' attitude outside of my safe space. It's easier the older I get, but it took a long time." —u/YKYLI
3. Queer club
"Be openly gay - and at younger ages than people did when I was growing up. Both of my kids seem to befriend every baby queer they encounter and I f*cking love all of them!" — u/searedscallops
4. Style and embrace what you have
"I am just super happy big and tall girls can find cute clothes and shoes in their size easily from a variety of youth-oriented stores and brands. In the 80s90s it was a nightmare. And I am very glad they can dye their hair any color they like and it's becoming acceptable in the workplace. I'm most proud they are contemplating the construct of gender and pursuing careers based on their skills not their bio sex." — BigFitMama
5. NO to Sexism
"Not tolerate the patriarchy. Seriously, I love how fierce these young women are about demanding fair play in relationships and not buying into the toxic idea that women have to do all the housework even while having a career. Shutting down sexist questions." — EngineeringDry7999
6. Momma said don't worry 'bout your size
"I love so much that curvier women can flaunt their curves, that women with scars can rock those scars, that disabled women can present their disability as sexy—this was definitely not “okay” when I was young. I am not just happy but ecstatic that new generations of women are being confident and appealing because of who they are. I am SO on board." — u/Duke-of-Hellington
7. I'm ahead of the game
"Being socially aware. Being able to have fun with how they dress and express themselves. I was a teen in the mid-2000s and while it was hardly the 1950s, people were much more conformist in dress (though most would say otherwise, we f*cking were. You either follow the preppy/Paris Hilton look, or you dressed exactly like all the punk/Emo kids, otherwise you were a “poser”) and being politically and socially aware wasn’t “cool.” It was cool to not care and not try. I’m glad that’s changed." — u/TerribleAttitude
8. Sporty gals and pals
"Greater participation in mixed sports. I know so many little girls that are getting to participate in sports they like that were traditionally reserved for boys, baseball for example. ( I am using girls and boys as I am referring to literal children). We also have more women entering collegiate and professional sports as players, executives, coaches, referees/umpires, and more. I love seeing that they don't have to fight to participate in their interests like I did." — u/lickmysackett
9. Who says you're not presidential?
"Put their careers before marriage. I'm 30 so I kind of grew up when we still believed in the fairytale, but these new young women haven't bought into that. They also seem to have much higher standards in general. It took me until 30 to realize that marriage is not the end all be all." — u/PrincessTiaraLove
10. Civil liberties run the gamut
"Honestly I see this in men/boys as well. My oldest son (millennial) dated boys & girls during high school. His friends/classmates didn’t bat an eye. My youngest son’s (Gen Z) first roommate after HS was gay. It was a non-issue within their friend group. He also introduced me to two trans teens from that friend group. I am very proud & hopeful to see how things have evolved from the Gen X years (& before)." — u/allminorchords
11. Age gap relationships
"Being wary of age gap relationships they are not all bad but there is a correlation between higher chances of abuse ( sexual, finacial or physical) that cant be ignored there is a reason why so many men chase after young women, and none of them are positive ( at least not good for the young woman in question )." — u/Lyskir
12. Supportive community
"My teen and friends openly acknowledge and address their needs and give each other space. I.e “I’m feeling really overwhelmed and need to take a day to work through this” and the group responds with support and offers of help. A friend of my kiddos’ committed suicide last week, and the mutual called them and said “take a minute and find a support person who can be there with you, and then call me when you’re ready. I have some news that’s really heavy and sad, and I don’t want you to have to go through it alone.” (Friend lives over 1hr away and doesn’t have car to come herself) This is all just so far beyond anything my friends were comfortable discussing or even acknowledging at 17 that it makes me so proud and happy for them to have such support." — u/toomuchgrittoomuch
13. Embrace femininity
"I'm not "old, old," but at 35 there are some differences I've noticed between myself/peers and the early 20s crowd. It makes me so damn proud that younger women are not afraid to show their bodies and be proud to be a woman. I also sincerely love so much that these younger women have a low tolerance for bullshit and aren't afraid to stand up for fairness. I love that they've grown up in a world my mother dreamt of and started, one I helped lay the groundwork for, and their world has always had a powerful female voice. Rock on ladies!" — u/StandardYTICHSR
14. I'm the boss of my business
"My daughter is getting ready to go to college. Neither she nor any of her female friends were even mildly interested in serious relationships junior/senior year of high school. They were all very focused on college and realistically assumed almost all high school relationships were destined for a breakup. It was empowering to watch. I’m not sure if this is a middle-class girl thing (given our town) or if it’s happening all over." — u/religionlies2u
15. Girls, please know your worth
"I interviewed a well-qualified candidate for a job, and we talked about salary. I offered a mid-range salary, and she argued and stated she was worth more and listed the reasons she had. I was super impressed someone so young (think 20) could advocate for herself and ended up offering her what she wanted."— u/Imhereforthedogs96