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Office lets employees bring their furry friends to work and the scenes look straight out of a dream

Imagine being able to have your pet as your work BFF - a beautiful dream isn’t it? Well, it’s coming true in this office.

Office lets employees bring their furry friends to work and the scenes look straight out of a dream
Cover Image Source: TikTok |

Pet lovers often find themselves split when it’s a matter of leaving behind their furry loved ones and heading to work. It’s heartbreaking, it’s stressful and it’s just not right, isn’t it? After all, the furry beings left alone at home are hardly a fair compensation when it comes to the amount of pure, unfiltered, unexpected happiness that they bring to the lives of their caregivers. A video posted by Fi Office Dogs—who goes by on TikTok—shows what it would be like if you worked at a company that lets you bring your pets to the office. The video is titled, “POV: You work at a company that lets you bring your dog to work” and it shows exactly how things would change for the better for employees and their dogs if they could just be together. The video begins with a zoom into an adorable, sleeping dog, cozily snuggled in its soft bed, right next to its hooman on her desk.

Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok |

The video then shows a cute dog having taken its perfect position between the typing hands of its caregiver because caregiver first, employee later, isn’t that the correct order? Some employees can be seen lifting their dogs on their shoulders and scratching them constantly while staring at work on their screens. We can also see one employee shaking paws with a dog while facing in the opposite direction to multi-task, some loving and working. Some paw-dorable beings also found themselves high chairs to sit on and pant happily at the entire office because aren’t they the real bosses?

Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok |

Meetings or no meetings, furry beings are allowed everywhere and on everyone. Employees can continue to do their job, but the scratchies cannot be deprived and dogs can be seen enjoying every moment spent with their caregivers in the office. Some even found themselves being used as a comfortable desk to make a workstation out of them. It looked like it made a huge difference in the morale of the employees who would rather tap away at their laptop’s keys with some furry feels in between. There seemed to be no stress brows on the employees’ faces and that showed how much a pet can make a difference not just at home but also in the workplace.

Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok |

The video went viral on TikTok with nearly 395K likes and 12.9K shares. It was also shared on Reddit by u/Sans010394, where users couldn’t help themselves, but comment on their love and relatable experiences. u/greenindeed said, “The retrievers are the enforcers of love and guards of unbroken hearts.” Well put and rightly said, retrievers are nothing but furry angels that deserve all things cozy, comfortable and lovely.

Image Source: TikTok | @pepperpaws_
Image Source: TikTok | @pepperpaws_
Image Source: TikTok | @bella_22___
Image Source: TikTok | @bella_22___

u/Torrossaur shared their experience with pets in the office, “We have a work dog that comes in on Fridays. The boss loves it because what he loses in productivity (and it’s a Friday anyway) he gets in moral boosting. He’s so popular with clients a few will now only do meetings on a Friday when The Head of Client Interactions is working.” Sounds like the internet agrees that productivity and the presence of furry beings is a graph that only goes up. Maybe next time you feel like you cannot churn out enough work, get some PAW-someness onboard.

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