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OB-GYN shares 3 questions pregnant women should ask when their symptoms are dismissed as 'normal'

Dr. Noa Sterling urges women to counter-question doctors when they dismiss symptoms as 'normal' during pregnancy.

OB-GYN shares 3 questions pregnant women should ask when their symptoms are dismissed as 'normal'
Cover Image Source: TikTok| @drsterlingobgyn

The pregnancy period for a woman involves many necessary checkups and visits to the gynecologist to ensure that both the baby and the mom are well. However, it is crucial to not only show up for these checkups but also to be aware and educated about the procedures and development. One common misconception that takes place is doctors dismissing symptoms and signs as regular parts of pregnancy. This negligence can lead to unhealthy consequences and to prevent the same, Dr. Noa Sterling, a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology, shared 3 questions to ask if you feel like something’s not right. 

Image Source: TikTok| @drsterlingobgyn
Image Source: TikTok| @drsterlingobgyn

Several times pregnant women have complaints about certain symptoms that they’re worried about and doctors pass it off as normal. Dr. Sterling shared 3 questions one can follow up with to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken and that there’s no room for worry. The doctor first mentioned that dismissal in such cases is often responsible for cases of maternal mortality. The doctor first suggested communicating with one’s specialist and understanding why they shouldn’t worry.

Image Source: TikTok| @drsterlingobgyn
Image Source: TikTok| @drsterlingobgyn

Dr. Sterling pointed out that moms can counter-question saying, “I know that normal pregnancy symptoms can sometimes be an indication that something more serious is going on. What about my situation tells you that this is not something serious and not something that I need to be concerned about?” Next, Dr. Sterling recommended understanding what are the factors to look out for that could hint at serious problems or trouble during pregnancy. “What should I be looking for that might indicate that this is a more serious symptom?” is a question women can ask their doctors. Suggesting another alternative, Dr. Sterling mentioned that moms can choose to ask their doctor to provide medical care and professional recommendations for their benefit.

Image Source: TikTok| @drsterlingobgyn
Image Source: TikTok| @drsterlingobgyn

“I am glad that you think that this isn't something serious. However, I would like to do something about this symptom. What do you suggest?” is something women can say to their doctors, per Dr. Sterling. The OB-GYN acknowledged that pregnancy is a time of insecurity and anxiety and moms may often worry about things that could be normal but it’s better to be safe than to be sorry by asking counter-questions and being informed. Several women were grateful for the recommendations shared by Dr. Sterling. Many even shared their experiences and doubts and how it is so comforting to have a way to get proper clarification.

Image Source: TikTok| @catoc13
Image Source: TikTok| @catoc13
Image Source: TikTok| @clumzyvanjinglez
Image Source: TikTok| @clumzyvanjinglez


@smallandsalty suggested asking the doctor to document the dismissal by saying, “I’d like you to document that you dismissed my concern for this symptom.” @lord_jord1 said, “My OB always says, ‘That’s normal but we’re going to do some tests just to be safe.’” @crufftdttxx2 said, “I started saying ‘I would like it noted in my chart that you dismissed my concern saying it was normal,’ and they immediately asked me to run tests.” @amandapuronene said, “I told my OB I was tired and couldn’t breathe. She said that was normal, turns out my hemoglobin was 6.” @stephanie.blomb said, “This is great advice for any professional medical appointment. Thank you.”

You can follow Dr. Noa Sterling (@drsterlingobgyn) on TikTok for more content on pregnancy and health.

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