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Hilarious dog gives owner the side-eye as TV report suggests 'pets judge us'

The pet, named Noodle, was curled up on the sofa when a study’s findings were revealed on 'Loose Women.'

Hilarious dog gives owner the side-eye as TV report suggests 'pets judge us'
Cover Image Source: TikTok / @noodleandtilde

Imagine trying to watch TV and you sense a pair of beady eyes watching you from a distance. Who do you think it is? Your creepy neighbor? No, it is your dog who is judging you from afar. While all dog lovers strongly believe that their dog is more than a four-legged pooch with a cute face and fluffy tail, you are advised not to take those adoring eyes for granted. They might be judging you for things you don't even remember doing. Maybe you denied them the luxury of an extra bite of meat jerky or put them in a time-out. Consider all possibilities. Just like Noodle, who was caught side-eyeing his owner while watching television.

Noodle, a sausage dog, has gone viral on the internet after a video of his unimpressed reaction was posted on TikTok, proving that "pets judge owners." The segment was on "Loose Women," when the camera slowly panned to him, capturing this golden moment. "Feel like someone in this room might have been part of the survey, "read the caption. I mean, if you have a Daschund that does not side-eye you every other minute, what kind of Daschund do you have? According to a study conducted by psychologist James Anderson and his colleagues at Kyoto University, dogs and other animals can judge our behavior and how we treat others. You have been warned. 

TikTok / @noodleandtilde
TikTok / @noodleandtilde


The video has garnered over 9.7 million views and the comments understand Noodle. "He's like well, I could've told you that 🙄," commented @JBLAudio. "He’s like “don’t look at me like you didn’t know that already," said @Rach. "Oh, my dog def does I don’t need research. She’s very judgemental and I love her for it," penned @Aaliyah. According to Bustle, John Bradshaw's book "The Animals Among Us," discussed the sensitivity of canines to human behavior back to their ancestry: "Dogs are descended from wolves, which are very social animals so right from the word go, they’ve had a basis for understanding the body language of the animals around them, whether the animals around them are other dogs or indeed whether they’re humans." 

TikTok / @noodleandtilde
TikTok / @noodleandtilde


TikTok / @noodleandtilde
TikTok / @noodleandtilde



TikTok / @noodleandtilde
TikTok / @noodleandtilde


TikTok / @noodleandtilde
TikTok / @noodleandtilde


James Anderson and his team also concluded that dogs are more drawn toward humans with a helpful nature. Speaking to the New Scientist, Anderson stated, "If somebody is behaving antisocially, they probably end up with some sort of emotional reaction to it." Frans de Waal of Emory University said wanting to do a good deed is affected by whether or not we are being watched, "Human morality is very much based on reputation building, because why would you try to be good if no one cares? I think that in humans there may be this basic sensitivity towards antisocial behavior in others. Then through growing up, inculturation, and teaching, it develops into a full-blown sense of morality." 

"Be the person your dog thinks you are" is a quote by U.S. author J.W. Stephens which has been used globally on T-shirts, mugs, and other trinkets. But, this quote has reached its full potential, thanks to this study. In her book, "The Goodness of Dogs," columnist, and author India Knight mentioned how dogs inspire us to be better people. "Your dog thinks you are the best, the most wonderful, kindest, loveliest person that's ever lived." So best be on our best behavior; we have a lot to live up to."


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