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NFL wife breaks down how the players' families have to plan and organize in advance for Super Bowl

She reveals why it is crucial for players to plan their logistics and for the families to organize accomodations and it's eye-opening.

NFL wife breaks down how the players' families have to plan and organize in advance for Super Bowl
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @em.bushman

Parents usually don't have to worry about paying the full price for their kids while booking a flight or going to places of entertainment. However, that's not the case for parents checking into the Super Bowl games. No matter what age your child is, they require an admission ticket. This is particularly challenging for the families of the NFL players as they have to plan things in advance. But Emily Bushman (@em.bushman), wife of NFL player Matt Bushman, shared on TikTok how she handled the Super Bowl preparations and it's quite insightful.

Image Source: TikTok | @em.bushman
Image Source: TikTok | @em.bushman

The wife of the Kansas City Chiefs player began the video by saying that as the Super Bowl nears, the players are asked to figure out their logistics two weeks before the big game. "The players get a certain amount of tickets for the Super Bowl and only two of them are comped," said Bushman and added that the players or their family have to spend on their own for the remaining tickets if they want to bring more guests. "And this year, the tickets cost about four times as much as they usually are," pointed out Bushman. But it is not just about the admission ticket, there are a lot more arrangements to be kept in mind.

Image Source: TikTok | @em.bushman
Image Source: TikTok | @em.bushman

As per the NFL wife, the organizers have to be notified about the number of people accompanying the player at the hotel they are staying. "If they need an extra hotel room, everyone who needs a bus pass, everyone who's going to the tailgate and everyone who's going to the postgame party," said Bushman. Despite all these facilities being available, only a certain amount is compensated. "You also have to figure out who's flying on the team plane," she added. The demanding part was that even newborns need tickets.

Image Source: TikTok | @em.bushman
Image Source: TikTok | @em.bushman

So, Bushman figured out a way to handle the Super Bowl pressure. "Thankfully, my mom will watch my girls during the game," she said. All these rigorous preparations add fun to the process of getting ready for the Super Bowl, as per the NFL wife. "That's what the players have been going through this week. Getting all this organized helps them to get focused on the game for next week," she said. Bushman's revelations gave us a glimpse of another side of the life of an NFL player's family apart from the fame and fun. Her video gained over 633K views and hundreds of comments swarmed in.

Image Source: TikTok | @jordanmcaleese
Image Source: TikTok | @jordanmcaleese
Image Source: TikTok | @joniquemajor
Image Source: TikTok | @joniquemajor

"Thanks for sharing. It’s so sad the prices of tickets. Makes it so hard for even a normal fan to attend the Super Bowl. Hopefully, the celebs know the chop!" commented @krit320. When one user, @user94865340703283, asked in the comments if people other than the players and NFL personnel could fly with them, Bushman replied that friends and family fly in a separate flight. "Thank you for sharing the information. What a great mom for watching your kiddos! Hope you can find some time to relax and rejuvenate! Go Chiefs!" commented @melissaraefilip. "Tickets for a newborn are insane. I’ve learned so much about football this year. I hope you have fun!" wrote @autumn_gavora.

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