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News anchors fail to hold it together after trying co-host's failed attempt at an artichoke dip

Holiday meals are supposed to be delicious and memorable but this news anchor's homemade artichoke dip earned a polarizing reaction from her colleagues.

News anchors fail to hold it together after trying co-host's failed attempt at an artichoke dip
Cover Image Source: YouTube | Global News Calgary

The holiday season is all about fun, food and frolicking and there is no reason for news anchors to miss out on that. However, little did a group of Global News Calgary anchors know that they were about to feast on something extremely unfestive when their co-worker brought in a dip they'd attempted to make for the first time. According to TODAY, a bunch of news anchors were live reporting back in 2016 when the channel's traffic reporter Leslie Horton introduced her colleagues to a homemade artichoke dip.


But it was no ordinary artichoke dip. Horton candidly admitted to her cooking failure as her co-workers started tasting the dip one by one. It's safe to say that not every holiday dish is worth savoring. First up, meteorologist Jordan Witzel tried the artichoke dip and tried his best to maintain composure and comment on it as politely as possible. "It's not that bad,'' he said. "It's — the vinegar." Witzel covers his mouth and gives his best efforts to not be rude to Horton by gagging in front of her.

"But there's no vinegar in there!" Horton quipped. Witzel barely recovered from the unpleasant shock of the inedible dip when fellow anchors Amber Schinkel and Scott Fee tried to hold back their laughter and gag reflex on live television. "It's artichoke dip, but something went terribly wrong,'' Horton said. Schinkel did her best to politely sample the dip but couldn't hide the truth. "It burns," Schinkel said as everyone unleashed their authentic reactions to it. 


Well, cooking during Christmas might sound great but not everyone is skilled at it and their food might end up tasting worse than what Horton cooked up. But most of the time, women are expected to take all the responsibilities related to cooking during festivities to feed the whole family and guests and they are expected to excel at it flawlessly. One woman decided to put her foot down by refusing to cook for Thanksgiving and effectively breaking the annual family tradition. Instead of cooking for family and guests, she decided to spend Thanksgiving alone on the beach.

Representative Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by fauxels
Representative Image Source: Pexels | fauxels

u/Whorible_wife on Reddit shared how she has been single-handedly cooking and serving dinner for more than 20 people for the past eight years. "Months before Thanksgiving, I start looking at grocery prices and tweaking recipes to fit dietary restrictions (Caribbean family, vegans and pescatarians, meat eaters). I also make enough for the college-aged kids to have leftovers," the woman wrote in her post.

The woman never got any appreciation for all the variations of meals she cooked and no one came to lend her a helping hand either. She also included desserts in the arrangement and made "desserts, apple pie, sweet potato pie, cheesecake, homemade ice cream and bread also from scratch." But she had enough of her family and guests' lack of gratitude and decided to break the family tradition and instead, give herself some time away from all the stressful holiday obligations.

Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock Project
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock Project

She returned the money that her family had sent her for grocery shopping and reminded them that she wasn't cooking this year and instead taking a vacation for herself. But her ungrateful family still wanted her to cancel her plans and cook for them. "This is my favorite holiday but my separation has left me emotionally exhausted and without any passion to cook," the woman clarified.

Even though she doesn't mind cooking for her family, she doesn't look forward to the unexpected guests. "They may not understand it but I took on this holiday because I enjoyed it," she wrote at the end. Well, these situations remind us that the holiday season should be about positivity and standing by the side of your family and friends when they need it and not about burdening a person and being ungrateful towards them.

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