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News anchor mom channels her work voice during family road trip and people are loving it

Kayla Sullivan captures the frustrations of a family road trip in her signature newscaster voice, complete with snack stops and gas station delays.

News anchor mom channels her work voice during family road trip and people are loving it
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @kaylareporting

Family trips are fun and interesting. We try to save the memories by videographing the best moments, clicking pictures, holding onto small souvenirs, or even journaling about the trip. But one news anchor found the most hilarious way to capture the moments of a chaotic road trip. @kaylareporting is a news anchor and a mother who reports on the day-to-day realities of #momlife. A TikTok video of hers showing a family road trip has gone viral on social media with two million views. 

Image Source: TikTok | @kaylareporting
Image Source: TikTok | @kaylareporting


She captures the frustrations of a family road trip in her signature newscaster voice, complete with snack stops, gas station delays, and much more obviously, yelling at the driver. The video was captioned, "My family is a TRIP." She begins by saying, "Kayla Sullivan reporting live from our family road trip where we were scheduled to leave promptly at 7 a.m. It's 1:23 p.m. and we are just now leaving the driveway." "I can confirm I was packed and ready," she says, 

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"But it appears some Sullivans are slower than others." Capturing the essence of any family road trip where you're running late from the start, her mother can be heard yelling "Kayla Marie." What are family road trips if they don't include high tensions, unnecessary stops, some tantrums, and a long break? "We are only 30 minutes into this road trip and they’ve already stopped at a gas station," she reports with a bottle as her pretend microphone. 

Image Source: TikTok | @kaylareporting
Image Source: TikTok | @kaylareporting


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She also passes the mic to her kids who are accompanying her, the mic being a salad dressing packet from her risky gas station salad bowl. The (in)credible kids confirm that an ice cream cone is "absolutely necessary." She also adds in another incident, "I can taste the backwash now," as one of the kids drinks from her bottle after "demanding" his own earlier, because why not?. When you have children, nothing is truly "yours," is it? The entire video is a montage of the ups and downs of a family road trip or in the best words a wild ride. Sullivan followed up with an update on what's going on at the lake house. Talking into a flipflop addressing invisible Bob and Barb, she says, "Cool moms do cannonballs" as she dives into the lake.

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A good reporter checks their facts by gathering evidence and so did she. To confirm if ice cream still tastes good in 2023, she takes a lick out of an ice cream roll that belonged to her son and he did not appreciate it. She also hilariously reports on fishing with her father, playing 100s of game of cards and kids putting on a theatrical display of "Frozen." Viewers loved the credibility of this report. "Love that you included live interviews in the reporting today!" commented @butterflybeauty02. "You crack me up! And I love the kiddo holding your 'microphone' for you," wrote @thumpermom. Previously, the news anchor also reported quite accurately on how she isn't a fan of her mother's inability to say "no" to her kids. Sullivan reports in her video that the strict mother she grew up with is now a pampering Nonna to her son. 

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