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New study reveals what moms really want for Mother's Day and many are finding it relatable

The poll found that 58% of moms want free time and to be able to 'drop everything' for Mother’s Day.

New study reveals what moms really want for Mother's Day and many are finding it relatable
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | MoMo Productions

On Mother's Day, we usually gift our mothers flowers, chocolates, or even beautiful dresses. In order to make them feel even more special, we post a picture with them and write a sweet caption along with it on our social media. However, we never ask our mothers what their hearts truly want. A survey took up the task to ask moms what they want on Mother's Day. A new poll of 2,000 moms was commissioned by LEGO Group and Moonpig and conducted by OnePoll, which found that the thing moms want more than anything else in the world is time. Just time. Time to rest, quality time to spend with their family, and time to not juggle fifteen things together like they do every day, as per Scary Mommy

Getty Images | Halfpoint Images
Getty Images | Halfpoint Images


Specifically, the poll found that a majority, that is, 58% of moms, want free time and to be able to “drop everything” for Mother’s Day. How they would use this free time? Moms said they would like to read a book (42%), watch some TV (44%), engage in a favorite hobby or creative activity (30%), or practice mindfulness (11%). Ten percent even confessed that they would love to go to the bathroom by themselves. Neither flowers nor chocolates made it to this list.

Getty Images | Tom Merton
Getty Images | Tom Merton


How would they prefer to relax? They would like to take a walk, listen to music, exercise, take a nap and take a bath in peace, all these things were part of the top ten. Fifty-one percent of moms said they would love to spend quality time (read: not manage everyone's needs) with their families on their special day, too and 16% said making a new memory is essential.

The poll also asked why moms need time, to which 65% explained that they were busy with their professions, while 58% said they were too busy doing household chores. So, on Mother’s Day, they needed to replenish and rejuvenate themselves and not work tirelessly. Erica Tain, a senior gifts buyer at Moonpig, said, “With everything they do for us, it’s important that the mother figures in our lives feel special on Mother’s Day." She added, “So if they just want some quality time with family or simply time away from their busy schedules, let’s give them exactly that."

Moms also want to spend time with their little ones on this special day. Watching movies (50 percent), cooking (37 percent) and playing games (34 percent) were the things moms said they would enjoy doing the most with their kids. And 17 percent said building LEGO sets was one of their favorite activities to do together. Zach Leung, brand manager of the LEGO group, said: “With busy schedules and a constant to-do list we understand it can be difficult for mum to find the time to reset and recharge their batteries."

We can all learn from this poll to give our moms time to relax and enjoy life. We can help them with chores or give them a night away from family or a day trip away from all their responsibilities. Even better, we can sit and spend some quality time with them and make them feel loved and cherished. 

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