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New research reveals humans might have something interesting in common with our furry friends

As it turns out, animals may be just as allergic to humans as some of us are to them. They even exhibit similar allergy symptoms.

New research reveals humans might have something interesting in common with our furry friends
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Alexander Grey

We know that many people are allergic to various animals. If these people come in contact with those animals, it triggers certain allergic symptoms such as itches, rashes and sneezing. But little did humans know that our pets can be allergic to us as well. At least, that is what the latest research from Dr. Heather Edginton suggests, reports Live Science. "The three main categories of allergies we see in dogs and cats are flea allergies, food allergies and environmental allergies," Edginton, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, told the outlet. "An allergy to humans would fall in the category of environmental allergies."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Yaroslav Shuraev
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Yaroslav Shuraev

In rare cases, pet and animal lovers who are affected by allergies develop life-threatening symptoms. Otherwise, the allergic symptoms are relatively mild. Edginton explained that when cats and dogs develop allergic symptoms from certain food and bee stings, they can have swellings, vomiting and seizures. In the extreme cases, they might die. The worst thing both animals and humans can experience from allergies is having an anaphylactic reaction, per the outlet.

The research elaborated that dogs and cats who are allergic to humans have almost similar reactions to that of humans when they are allergic to dogs and cats. Initially, these furry animals start scratching their skin repeatedly even though they look healthy and it is a sign of developing a condition called atopic dermatitis or eczema. These pets can start showing allergic symptoms after coming in contact with human dander. It was found that about 20% of dogs who show symptoms of allergies have come in contact with human dander.

Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project
Representative  Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project

"When we do allergy testing in dogs and cats, we find that they are usually allergic to 12 or more things at a time, and humans are often just one of those things," Edginton further explained. "For pups with human allergies, there are several treatment options, such as administering preventative antihistamines." These allergic pets are often treated by giving them daily doses of medication to stave off the symptoms. Unfortunately, not all pets are responsive to the drug administered to them. 

Cover Image Source: Pexels | Photo by Enrique Hoyos
Representative  Image Source: Pexels | Photo by Enrique Hoyos

"Ultimately, antihistamines only tend to be effective about 30% of the time," Edginton mentioned. Edginton and her colleagues also published a study in 2015, where they researched the effectiveness of the antihistamine loratadine, also known as Claritin, on 27 cats with skin allergies. They discovered that the drug was ineffective on the felines. Another way of treating the pets was by giving them oral steroids like prednisone. According to the International Committee on Allergic Diseases of Animals, oral steroids in dogs tend to be more effective than antihistamines in treating acute allergic flare-ups as they happen. This treatment can be provided on a long-term basis, therapeutically.

Another option to treat cats and dogs with allergic symptoms is to administer allergy shots or allergen-specific immunotherapy, as reported by the Merck Veterinary Manual. The process involves injecting a pet that has allergies with controlled amounts of allergens to dampen the allergic reaction through exposure. "This technique is effective in dogs 60% of the time," Edginton shared, adding that 78% of the time, it is effective in cats. However, allergies in humans can be treated and kept at bay using regular medication, but there is no cure for them. "That's the thing with allergies in dogs," Edginton said. "Therapy is forever. Once you stop, the allergies will come back."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cats Coming
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cats Coming

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