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New mom captures heartwarming full-circle moment with dad after giving birth to her first child

'When everyone's here to meet your baby girl but your dad is here to see his,' she captioned the now-viral video.

New mom captures heartwarming full-circle moment with dad after giving birth to her first child
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @debxrahkwek

A new mom is sharing a beautiful moment between her and her father. After a baby is born, most loved ones tend to rush to the baby's side. It may not be a conscious decision, but it seems almost instinctive to say "hello" to the new bundle of joy who has just made their way into the world. But one dad remembered someone else who needed love and care in the special moment. Deborah Gilbert—who goes on Instagram with the username @debxrahkwek—shared a poignant, now-viral video of her father in the delivery room both on TikTok and Instagram, that has since raked in millions of views on each platform.

Representational Image Source: Pexels | Tim Mossholder
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Tim Mossholder

The heartwarming video lasts just for a few seconds and if you blink you might even miss its message, but the impact it leaves once you realize what it is will last a lifetime. "When everyone's here to meet your baby girl, but your dad is here to see his," she wrote in the video. Gilbert's father, Kwek Peng Chey, is seen sitting beside his daughter's bed at a hospital in Singapore. While the other visitors are all seen fawning over the newborn, Maeve, only Peng Chey stays by the new mom. Although his mouth is covered with a blue surgical mask, you can still feel the warmth in his smile as his eyes dart toward his daughter, who captures him on camera.

Image Source: Instagram | @debxrahkwek
Image Source: Instagram | @debxrahkwek

"My husband was holding his daughter, and my dad was holding my hand, and I thought, 'Oh my goodness, what a beautiful full circle moment,'" the 29-year-old told TODAY. "He's not a man of many words—he doesn't really say, 'I love you,' but he'll ask, 'Have you eaten today?' 'Do you need anything?'" she said of her father. "He's always looking after me and making sure I'm OK. On family walks, he'll take my hand, and my mom is like, 'I'm your wife! Why are you not holding my hand!?'" she added with a laugh.

Even while she was in labor, her father was very concerned about her well-being and kept texting in the family group chat. "I had to send him voice memos because I was in too much pain to type," Gilbert said. "I was in labor for a long time and he was worried I was going to need an emergency C-section."

Even though Maeve is Peng Chey's first grandchild, he still was there for his daughter. But that does not mean he does not love his new grandchild. In fact, he can not wait to take her on new adventures. "He came to the hospital and said, 'I'm plotting all the different playgrounds I can bring her to,'" Gilbert shared. "He's so excited to spend time with her. She's a very lucky girl!"

Representational Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

Many people claimed they were "sobbing" after watching the video which is set to Ed Sheeran's emotional song, "Photograph." @youngsupernova wrote, "Okay... but why did this make me SOB." @aldumais added, "My parents came over to meet my new baby and my dad just stared at me the whole time with tears in his eyes." @brookemccloskeyy shared, "This is the cutest thing I have ever seen." @alien_queenn412 shared their story by adding, "That's how my dad was when I had my first. He was excited to meet his grandson, but the first thing he did when he walked in was say, 'How are you?'"

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