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New employee bullied into buying donuts for everyone maliciously gets back at annoying co-workers

After being constantly troubled for not buying donuts for the entire office, he decided to shut the bullies down once and for all and it worked.

New employee bullied into buying donuts for everyone maliciously gets back at annoying co-workers
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studios, Reddit | u/grillbuster5

Bullies may be everywhere but one wouldn't expect them in a professional setup. However, one worker had to face the hassle of "donut" bullies at the office and he handled it in the most hilarious way. u/grillbuster5 on Reddit shared about a time when he started a new job and dealt with some annoying co-workers who constantly pestered him over buying donuts because he was the new hire. "Normally, that’s not a big deal but two people in particular were rude and relentless about the donuts all week. Others joined in too," he mentioned in a post.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Maurício Mascaro
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Maurício Mascaro

Speaking of the bullies, the individual said that they bullied him by mentioning donuts several times, name-calling, interrupting meetings, powering off his computer, and refusing to answer legit work questions until he bought donuts. Being a 30-year-old hired for a senior position at their job, the worker was frustrated by this behavior. "Hazing really did not seem appropriate at this point of my career (or for anyone else). I didn’t want to be a “bad sport” my first week, so I played along. I politely said that I would not have time this week but would get to it eventually," he wrote. Soon, it was their day to get the entire office donuts and malicious compliance ensued.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

"I decided to pick up a cheap bag of the small powdered hostess 'donettes' donuts at the gas station. I distributed the donuts one by one, desk by desk, making sure to do so barehanded from the bag," the employee mentioned. He did it in a passive-aggressive way so that people didn't know if he was being nice or trying to express his anger over the donut idea. "Most people took the safe choice of being pleasant in return. Some people tried to refuse, but I mentioned the 'big deal' about buying donuts and still left a donut on every desk," he added. But the two rudest co-workers got special treatment. The employee didn't offer them a donut just to spite them. However, they "couldn't take the hint" and continued to bully him.

So, the employee split a donut into two halves using a knife cut horizontally so that he still retained the circle shape. "Then, the most brilliant idea of my life. A new way to hold donuts. One donut on each middle finger, with my middle finger in the center hole of each donut," he mentioned. When the two co-workers were served donuts in this way, they refused to take it. The employee "mildly snapped" forcing them to take a donut and it resulted in a "completely frightened" reaction from their co-workers. "Anyway, after this incident, I was never asked to buy donuts again," he added. He pointed out that he didn't have a problem with buying donuts as a team-building activity, but being bullied into buying donuts was not "normal team-building."

Image Source: Reddit | u/JayTrim
Image Source: Reddit | u/JayTrim
Image Source: Reddit | u/AttackPug
Image Source: Reddit | u/AttackPug

People agreed with the employee and related to his situation. "When I start a new job, I usually get excited to bring in treats for my team. I would be annoyed if it was expected for the entire office though," said u/Hrhnick. "I’m pretty sure I lost my company a monthly inspection contract because I never brought the new safety guy a coffee. I’m doing a job and I’m not spending my money on a large coffee just to keep you happy," remarked u/SgtGo. "Why is it so hard for adults to go buy their own donuts? Seriously, like not even one dollar. Drive to your store of choice, anytime you want, pay almost no money, and get a donut," added u/cali5o.

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