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Neighbors shower new mom with love and support proving that it does take a village to raise a child

The new mom and her partner were bombarded with love and support from their entire community once they returned home.

Neighbors shower new mom with love and support proving that it does take a village to raise a child
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@honeyathome

Parenting is not an easy journey by any means. Moreover, many shift away from their hometowns in search of a better future, which also takes away the option of family support, leaving children and parents in a lonely boat. Therefore, it is the need of the hour that people foster community bonds. Not only does it make the whole process of upbringing easier but also ensures that children grow up in an environment filled with love and warmth. Amanda Wells who goes by @honeyathome shares in her video a heartwarming compilation of people showing up for her family after their new arrival. The adorable video is proof of the difference a community can make in an individual's life.

Image Source: TikTok/@honeyathome
Image Source: TikTok/@honeyathome


The video has been taken from the ring camera located at the entrance of Wells' house. The overlay text featured is "Watch my village show up after bringing home my newborn." It begins with Amanda entering the house with her newborn baby and partner, eager to begin a new chapter in her life. Thereafter, a flurry of her well-wishers began appearing in front of the house to give her all their love and support. The first one was a man who came with many bags of food, followed by a woman who left a crate of water bottles for the mother.

Image Source: TikTok/@honeyathome
Image Source: TikTok/@honeyathome

Being physically and mentally fit is important for mothers to heal during their postpartum journey. To do so right food and staying hydrated are essential. Unfortunately, new mothers find their whole life upheaved after the arrival of a new baby and often forget to take care of themselves. In such times thoughtful gestures such as those Wells received help mothers catch some respite and think of themselves. 

The next set of people in the video are a family coming with gifts and a woman arriving with adorable balloons for the munchkin. These people are showing up not only for Wells but also for her baby. They showed up to welcome the munchkin with open arms, making sure that the mother knew she was not in this, alone. They were her village and she could come to them anytime. The camera also captured a man removing snow from the entryway. Such chores often become burdensome for mothers as they have to focus on their children and adapt themselves to their new routines. Having someone trustworthy doing these tasks is a big deal for new parents.

The new parents kept getting bombarded by visits from more lovely faces all through the video. The whole thing showcases the heartwarming bond the couple shares with their neighbors which will surely result in a great environment for their kid. The mother gave a caption communicating her gratitude, "Can't thank them enough for coming together and helping us adjust to our new life as parents…and for all the food."

Image Source: TikTok/@septlilue
Image Source: TikTok/@septlilue


Image Source: TikTok/@sashibits
Image Source: TikTok/@sashibits

The comment section got very emotional seeing the whole thing unfold. @elinormiller150 wished to have such a village in her own life and wrote, "How do you order this? Literally haven't had anyone even ask how the baby is doing." @mower271 appreciated the couple and commented, "Good neighbors are proof that you're doing good too."

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