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Nanny explains why Gen Alpha kids are a complete nightmare to deal with: 'They physically hit you'

Former nanny cites research and personal experience to share what is wrong with Gen Alpha that they are so impatient.

Nanny explains why Gen Alpha kids are a complete nightmare to deal with: 'They physically hit you'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @hopeyoufindyourdad

In all probability, Gen Alpha is the most distinct group to emerge compared to its previous counterparts. There seems to be little to no similarity between the individuals of this group in terms of priorities, behavioral patterns and hobbies. Moreover, people believe the lifestyle alterations brought by technology and urbanization have made this generation "iPad kids." Not only is the dependence on gadgets harmful to their physical and mental growth but also devastating to people around them. Andra—who goes by @hopeyoufindyourdad on TikTok—explains this phenomenon in detail as she replies to another creator. She uses both proven facts and personal experience to elucidate how this generation of iPad kids needs a quick change in parenting for a better future.

Image Source: TikTok/@hopeyoufindyourdad
Image Source: TikTok | @hopeyoufindyourdad

She created her video with the opinion put forth by Gabe Escobar—who goes by @gabesco on TikTok—and wrote in the caption, "I am fully on board with what this creator is saying, although kids having iPads is a bit inevitable at this point, the real issue is regulation and parenting styles." Andra begins the video by stating that from the perspective of a person who worked in childcare for eight years, she can confidently say, "Gen Alpha or iPad kid is so far an absolute nightmare to deal with."

She pointed to an article by FOX Business to emphasize the severity of the situation. The write-up reported that a teacher of 30 years quit her job because she could no longer handle these "out of control" children. Though issues like benefits and pay cannot be ignored, the overwhelming reason was how teachers were treated by these students in their work, per a report by the District Administration.

Image Source: TikTok/@hopeyoufindyourdad
Image Source: TikTok | @hopeyoufindyourdad

Andra cites another article written by Jen Chandler to state that children born between 2010 and 2025 have "extreme social issues" and "little to no mannerisms." Andra backed these assertions with her experience as a nanny for many years. Besides that, the biggest mistake guardians usually made in such situations was they tried to replace parenting with iPads. No one has seen the kind of access these parents have provided to their kids for screen time in the history of mankind. She pulls out another article from Iberdrola to specify how this generation has "reduced attention span and concentration," "spend less time socializing" and "less development of creativity and imagination."

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After that, Andra shared her take. The kids she babysat over the years had no interest in "coloring and building" and instead, "they just want to sit on their iPads and watch Netflix and play apps and games." It proved to be a nightmare for Andra as anytime she tried to take away such gadgets, "they did not know how to act" and often resorted to violence. There were times when she got "physically hit" by the kids. "The first few times this happened while I was nannying the kids, I was amazed," she said. "Because like, who allows their kids to behave like this?" Despite identifying herself as a child with a lot of temper tantrums, Andra could not fathom how a kid could have the audacity to beat people who were not "immediate family."


Seeing the situation, Andra used to slowly "infiltrate her parenting style" for such children. "I would take all the electronics and put it away and tantrums would start," she added. "If it was a nice day out, I'd be like, let's go outside. I would close the door behind us and tell them to go out and play." If the outside conditions were unfavorable, the children were sent to playrooms to play with toys they never touched.

She made them do little chores around the house to earn iPad time or movie nights just like back in the day. Most of the time, these rules produced great results, with parents appreciating her for instilling good behavior in the kids. All these regulations taught children about actions, consequences and controlling emotions.

Image Source: TikTok/@itsyaboijaz
Image Source: TikTok | @itsyaboijaz
Image Source: TikTok/@laurensl3
Image Source: TikTok | @laurensl3

The comment section agreed with Andra's assertions. @lmichellekir shared what she noted in children around her and wrote, "My sister has 4 iPad kids. The younger ones (ages 11-5) have emotional regulation and attention span issues." @this_is_not_rayyaan commented how the iPad lifestyle is just plain sad, "All my little cousins are iPad kids, it's so sad when I was their age we would go explore the town and do all sorts of things, they just stay on the phone."


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