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Musician makes melodies from a series of drinking glasses filled with water and it's beautiful

Spatina vibrates the glass rim with his fingers in various patterns to produce a range of tones.

Musician makes melodies from a series of drinking glasses filled with water and it's beautiful
Cover Image Source: Youtube / Cassandra Chan

Petr Spatina, a musician, uses drinking cups to create tunes. What appears to be a sophisticated party trick is actually a musical discipline. The technique uses upright wine glasses that have different amounts of water in them. All of these "instruments" are referred to together as a glass harp. Spatina vibrates the glass rim with his fingers in various patterns to produce a range of tones. The end product is a rich, delicate tone evocative of the string harp. Spatina is a musician that has spent most of his life performing. He is from the Czech Republic.

Prior to ultimately mastering the glass harp, he first studied the piano and accordion when he was younger. Spatina has been creating and performing his own music on this instrument for the past 20 years. This finally became his instrument of choice, per My ModernMet. According to The Music Man, His original works are exceptional, transforming a table of glasses into a symphony of sound that not only sounds extraordinary but also is aesthetically captivating! He is not the only glass harp player in the world, but most are not nearly at Spatina's level. He has created his own style and technique with the instrument. The actual instrument is made up of 33 wine glasses, each of which  "tunes" to a different note by altering the quantity of water it has been filled with. The 33 glasses are then laid out on a table and used to make music. The sounds you hear are the result of the glasses vibrating as Petr wets his fingers and runs them around the tops of the glasses.



On occasion, you can see him jiggling the table. We're unsure if this is deliberate or perhaps an unintended "knock." But as the table sways and the water in the glasses start to slosh about, it produces a vibrato/modulation effect that heightens the aural appeal. While still playing, he can knock the table to re-wet his fingers. However, Spatina isn't the only one who plays beautiful melodies with unusual tools and utensils. Caroline McCaskey, a musician, also has a really special skill up her sleeve. She has had traditional training in the violin, viola, and composition, and she is a master at playing the musical saw. At the Oakland A's baseball stadium, McCaskey performed a rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner" to showcase the versatility of this specialized instrument.



As per My Modern Met, In the video, you can see her use a bow to fiddle over the saw's metal edge while making mesmerizing, high-pitched noises that resemble human voices. When McCaskey was performing with the San Francisco Symphony, she first picked up the saw and substituted it for the violin solo in the opera Orpheus in the Underworld by Offenbach. The conductor and the audience were astounded by her ability to create music with a commercial instrument. Although a lot of people had never heard of a musical saw before, it has been utilized for music since the 19th century and has been used by prior artists and in vaudeville shows. McCaskey teaches violin, viola, and occasionally the fiddle to pupils when she is not performing on the saw.


Additionally, the genres of music and musical instruments used by different countries have an impact on one another. Through this blending, cultural distinctions are lessened and individuals of all ages and cultures are brought together on one common ground. As an illustration, many of the musical genres that are popular today were influenced by a variety of countries and cultures, and fans of these genres come from all over the world.

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