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Mother's unforgettable and to-the-point safety briefing to her kids is giving people a good laugh

'Do not add to the population. Do not subtract from the population,' the mom reminded her kids in the briefing.

Mother's unforgettable and to-the-point safety briefing to her kids is giving people a good laugh
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @.kassiwithak

Most children ignore the briefing their parents give but when it comes to giving instructions that truly get into your head, mothers do know best. One mother decided to give a safety briefing to her child in such a way that the child couldn't ignore or forget it. It should probably even turn into a Public Service Announcement because it leaves us with no option but follow them. The instructions might sound hilarious but they are straightforward and make a lot of sense. Kassi Nicholson (@.kassiwithak) posted on TikTok a video that seems to show a mom briefing her child with safety instructions as her child goes to a party late at night. 

Image Source: TikTok | @.kassiwithak
Image Source: TikTok | @.kassiwithak

The video, captioned "Just your average mom PSA," received almost six million views. The overlay text reads, "Mother gives our weekend safety briefing" implying that this isn't a rare occasion. The mother reminds them of a few important realistic things they need to keep in mind and instructs, "This weekend's safety briefing. Do not add to the population. Do not subtract from the population. Do not end up in the hospital, newspaper or jail." She adds, "If you do end up in jail, establish dominance quickly!" The video clip was reposted on Instagram by @used_03_civic and @serotonin_scrimmage. People in the comment section had a good laugh.

Viewers also shared the instructions they used to get. "My aunt would say 'Don't let your name get back before you do'," shared @Optimistic Sunshine. "My dad always said, 'Be good. If you can’t be good, be careful. And if you can’t be careful, don’t name it after me'," hilariously commented @Heather. "Do not do anything you cannot explain to a nurse or your mother...," wrote @Stephanie Ann. "My dad's was 'If you go to jail, we aren't coming to get you and the judge doesn't come in till Monday so good luck'," shared @jcy207. "I tell my students before breaks 'I'd like to see you in the same condition or better than you are currently in'," added @mrsbutterfield

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Speaking of hilarious instructions, one noodle shop in New York took it to another level by providing detailed instructions on how to enjoy their dish, and the internet applauded the eatery's level of detail and commitment to their noodles. "Xi'an Famous Foods," a Chinese restaurant chain, started as a stall in Flushing, New York. Why it's so popular is explained in a poster for customers who want to take their food to go. Warning us what would happen if we did not obey the instructions, the poster read, "Are you sure you want to take those hand-ripped noodles to go? They will not taste as good as fresh, dine-in noodles. We allow take-out orders of our hand-ripped noodles dishes due to popular demand, but please heed this warning. The noodles cool down within 15 minutes (or less when it's cold out). As that happens, the sauces will soak into the noodles, causing them to bloat and lose their texture, flavor and vibrance. The noodles may be reheated, but the original taste and chewiness will be gone."


It continues, "So, please eat the noodles right away. If you are able to, please have it in the store, or at least take a quick bite from the take-out container to know how it is intended to taste. Or just come back another day when you can enjoy the noodles correctly. It's that important. Thank you." These instructions have the same energy as the mother: simple yet strict, funny yet straightforward.

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