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Mother's soothing poem for fellow parents who have 'wild' kids speaks volumes

For parents who have mischievous kids, this poem is dedicated to them as a reminder of how beautiful these 'wild' children are.

Mother's soothing poem for fellow parents who have 'wild' kids speaks volumes
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @jessicaurlichs

Young children can be hard to deal with since they are in their early phase, learning some basic values and mannerisms. However, certain children are more mischievous than others. Right from tantrums, chaos and more, these children don’t go easy on their parents and even those around them. While these children are looked at as trouble-makers, author and mom Jessica Urlichs - who goes by @jessicaurlichs on TikTok - shared a different perspective. In her video, the mom penned down a beautiful poem revealing the traits and perfections of a “wild” child. She brilliantly explained how they’re not as much a menace as they’re loving. “This poem is for anybody who has a wild child,” Urlichs said before she began reciting her poem titled “The Wild Child.”

Image Source: TikTok| @jessicaurlichs
Image Source: TikTok| @jessicaurlichs

Sharing her poetic thoughts with serenity, the mom said, “You may have the wild child, the one who speaks their mind. The one who doesn’t listen, where patience is hard to find.” She then continued to add traits of a “wild child” in the further lines of her poem. “The one who does it on their own, who doesn’t need your help. With stubborn ways and on those days, will turn you inside out,” recited Urlichs. Her next stanza reveals the world’s perspective of a “wild child.” The mom continued reading, “The one that they call naughty, where strangers roll their eyes.” Revealing otherworldly observations that many may point out in a different child, Urlichs said, “The one labeled as ‘hard,’ who often yells or cries.”

Image Source: TikTok| @jessicaurlichs
Image Source: TikTok| @jessicaurlichs

Adding her outlook, Urlichs poetically said, “But often it’s forgotten that these ones aren’t really wild. They’re tiny humans learning and in fact, they’re just a child.” She then spoke of the wild child as a unique gift. The mom pointed out traits that only a mother’s love can unveil. “They’re the ones who feel things deeply, who will have a voice that’s strong,” Urlichs recited. She then added that wild child has big heart and it is their wild character that makes them stand up for what is wrong. “They’ll challenge our way of thinking, they’re gentle, brave, and bold,” the author continued. Her next line was dedicated to moms, who are often referred to as mothers of the troublemakers.

Image Source: TikTok| @jessicaurlichs
Image Source: TikTok| @jessicaurlichs

Sharing a soothing message, she said, “They picked us to guide them in a world that can feel cold.” In her conclusion, Urlichs said, “So, maybe they seem hard right now, but they’ll change the way we live. With so much good to come, you’ll see and so so much to give.” Urlich's video served as a balm to every parent who worries about what their “wild child” will be like. 

Image Source: TikTok| @kris.d89
Image Source: TikTok| @kris.d89

Several moms pitched in, applauding the author for her kind and affirming words. Many even shared that her words are true. @mande_b said, “For the mamas who are so overwhelmed with their wild child, we needed this.” @kirdwinj said, “Mine is 13 now and I realize he’s an empath. Maybe that’s why he’s my wild child.” @passiveprofitsco said, “I have 7 children and I have more than one that I call wild, but I wouldn’t change them for the world.”

Image Source: TikTok| @middleagedmama
Image Source: TikTok| @middleagedmama

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