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Mother snaps back at family members who say her two adopted children 'aren't blood relations'

The mother of two was disappointed after her family refused to give her children gifts just because they were adoptive kids and not her biological children.

Mother snaps back at family members who say her two adopted children 'aren't blood relations'
A woman and baby at the beach. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay; (Inset) Reddit | u/No-Bee2990)

Families are made in beautiful and unique ways. Whether a child joins a family biologically or through adoption, they deserve the very best. However, not everyone accepts adopted children as they deserve, which not only hurts the children but also takes a toll on the parents. A 32-year-old mother, u/No-Bee2990, recently took to Reddit to share how she took a stand for her kids who were not considered "real family" by her brother-in-law and siblings simply because they were adopted and not biological.

Mother with her two kids in her kitchen garden | (Image Source: Pexels | Gustavo Fring)
Mother with her two kids in her kitchen garden. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Gustavo Fring)

"I have adopted two children (8f and 6m) from a single mother that I've known all my life. She was going through a rough time. So, I agreed to adopt the children," the mother of two wrote at the beginning of the post. She explained this while she was under the mistaken belief that her family members truly loved her two kids and had accepted them into the family.

"My family members and I all get together each year to plan our Christmas get-together. We plan out who's hosting the gathering this year, who's bringing what to dinner, and what to get the kids for Christmas. All was going smoothly until my brother-in-law pipes up with, 'My children aren't really blood, so it doesn't matter if they receive any gifts from the family or not, and I can make up the difference!'" the woman wrote.

Mum with her kid watching the sunset | (Image Source: Pexels | Daria Obymaha)
Mum with her kid watching the sunset. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Daria Obymaha)

The mother shared her reaction to their insensitive statements: "My other 2 siblings chimed in and agreed with my brother-in-law. I, in turn, announced that if my children didn't fit the description of the family because they were adopted, then they can just count us out because blood or not, they are my children and I left," she added.

After she stormed out with her two kids, her siblings tried to contact her, sending texts that said the mother was overreacting. The mother then asked the community if they felt she was at fault for cutting them out of her life after this incident.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Naive_Labrat
Image Source: Reddit | u/Naive_Labrat
Image Source: Reddit | u/BisforBeard
Image Source: Reddit | u/BisforBeard

People in the comment section unanimously sided with the mother.

"Your kids are your family. By *any* definition. The only issue is whether your brother-in-law and siblings are. It doesn't sound like they are. You sound like the mother your kids deserve and your brother-in-law and siblings don't," said u/Appropriate-Law-8956.

"As an adoptive mom, this just seems gross to me. My son may not have come from my body, but he is my child in every way that matters. I'm so glad your kids have you to stand by them. Good luck to you guys. Be well," added another mother u/ElDia13.

"This is the first Christmas since my stepmom and my dad have split. I'm still going there for Boxing Day because in their eyes I'm still family. This woman has had me in her life since I was 14 and I'm still made to show that they care about me," wrote u/Burn_the_witch2002.

In an update, the mother shared, "My parents are no longer living. They never treated my children any differently than they did my nephews. They welcomed them with open arms. My daughter was 2, and my son was a newborn when I adopted them. Up until this point, everyone treated them as family. I have never treated my sister's step-children any differently than I did her own son. I've decided that I will no longer participate in their family gathering. I will still be part of their lives but from a distance. My daughter told me that she may not have grown in my belly, but she grew in my heart, so that makes me her Mommy."

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