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Mom-of-two breaks down while sharing how she's unable to make ends meet despite having full-time jobs

One can have a degree, a house and a stable job, but according to this mom, it's still not enough to sustain a small family.

Mom-of-two breaks down while sharing how she's unable to make ends meet despite having full-time jobs
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @mackmoan1988

There is no lie that inflation has been getting worse across the globe lately. No matter how much money one makes, many still struggle to sustain a family of four or five. With citizens depending on food banks and various aid from the government, the situation is not getting better for the average family. One mom named Mackenzie (@mackmoan1988 on TikTok) had no choice but to spill the hardships she had been facing lately while supporting her family..

Image Source: TikTok | @mackmoan1988
Image Source: TikTok | @mackmoan1988

Mackenzie appears in her video, shedding tears and sharing what exactly is making her extremely upset. She reveals certain details about her life, like how she and her husband are both employed and they are doing everything by the books. Mackenzie is a registered nurse who works full time and so does her husband. Both of them received their salaries a week before she made this video and then managed to pay off their mortgage, buy groceries and refuel their cars.

"It is Tuesday and we have like, $200 to $300 left to us only until next Friday," Mackenzie says while sobbing. She continues to reveal the reality of middle-class families like theirs who live in America. Mackenzie gives the viewers a brief glimpse of her "ranch-style" house, which is not lavish at all. Their 1,100-square-foot home consists of three bedrooms and two bathrooms. They have a small family of a husband, wife and two kids.

Image Source: TikTok | @mackmoan1988
Image Source: TikTok | @mackmoan1988

“I don’t know what to do. I’m in school full time; I work full time,” she added, expressing her stress and mentioning that her husband works more than full-time and even works overtime every week. “We were told to go to college, get a degree, work to support our family… and here we are. Did that—and now what?” Mackenzie hopes that somebody can do something to fix this miserable situation, but nothing seems to work.

“Somebody has to do something to change this because I make good money. He makes good money. We don’t live above our means. I don’t know what’s less than paycheck to paycheck, is that poverty? As a registered nurse? With a husband with a second income?” she laments. Mackenzie concludes by recalling that when she was in school, she kept thinking that her life after graduation would get better and everything would be alright once she started earning.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Breakingpic
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Breakingpic

Mackenzie even thought that she and her family would be living comfortably, would pay their bills with ease and wouldn't have to check their bank balance frequently if they want to take their kids to a movie. However, the reality seems to be the complete opposite of what this mom had pictured it to be. Her cluelessness about the current economic condition and the struggles of common people is not that uncommon, as many could relate to Mackenzie in her comment section and validate her feelings.

Image Source: TikTok | @tylaroliver18
Image Source: TikTok | @tylaroliver18


Image Source: TikTok | @strangdang0
Image Source: TikTok | @strangdang0

@darby.brown76 commented, "We are making the most we've ever made but we're the poorest we've ever been." @u2andamy wrote, "I make 6 figures and am still paycheck to paycheck! How in the hell? I don't live beyond my means, either. It is so depressing!" @oneluckygurl quipped, "And the worst part is our government gaslights us and claims the economy is roaring back." @kimberly_ann50 added, "I know this is unpopular but I swear it’s taxes. They literally take half our paychecks. I am a nurse, single, one adult child. I’m barely making it."

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