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Mother reunited with son 3 years after his military deployment in a heartwarming moment

The family gathered together and the daughter expressed their wishes for the son to be present, not realizing he was already there.

Mother reunited with son 3 years after his military deployment in a heartwarming moment
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @monica_palao

Children coming home to see their parents is an extremely emotional yet heartwarming time for everyone. As a testament to this fact, a son surprised his mom, who missed him terribly but had no idea he would be coming to see her and their reunion was extremely emotional. The precious moment was captured on camera as a prank. While it unfolded, a few tears also rolled down for many viewers as the son was in an army overseas.

Monica Palao, the mother posted the video on Instagram with the caption, "My son, who is overseas in the army, has been playing tricks on me since he was a toddler. I had not seen him for a long time and was missing him terribly."

 Image Source: Instagram | @monica_palao
Image Source: Instagram | @monica_palao

As everyone stood beside each other in the video clip, her daughter could be heard saying, "We are all here in Mexico. We wish you were here." The mother added heartfully, "We love you very much. Please come, okay?" The moment she finished her sentence, someone walks into the frame. It was her son from the army, whom she had not seen in a long while. In utter shock, she screamed and was overwhelmed with emotions. She was seen sobbing uncontrollably as she tightly hugged her smiling son and refused to let go of him.

People watching the video also got emotional and some even related to her experience. "My son did the same thing to us in Feb after not seeing him for 3 years and 8 months. We live in South Africa and he lives in the UAE," shared @shonamcvan. "Wow!!! I'm crying too!!! So happy for you Monica," wrote @lindalaino

 Image Source: Instagram | @monica_palao
Image Source: Instagram | @monica_palao

Also, the video was posted on Twitter by Good News Movement, which gathered 40.8k views, 67 retweets and many heartfelt responses. "Oh my goodness, thank you for sharing your family's joy and love with us and thank you for your service, sir. May you and yours be forever blessed with health, love and joy," tweeted @FooforDave.




In another heartwarming surprise, Ethan Houston's mom screamed with joy when he appeared in front of her at the grocery store. Houston had been deployed in Germany and hadn't visited home in nearly two years. Ethan Houston could be seen waiting behind an aisle as his mother was shopping in the video shared by Good News Movement. He was holding a flower bouquet for his mother. She let out a visceral scream of joy as he walked out to surprise his mother. She was taken aback to see her son standing before her. She fell to her knees, hugged him by his midriff and overcame with emotion at seeing her son. He assisted her in getting up before they embraced.

Image Source: Instagram | @goodnews_movement
Image Source: Instagram | @goodnews_movement

In the video, his mother's relief was palpable. She sobbed as she clutched him even tighter. Onlookers and close family members joined them in applauding and celebrating the moment. Any parent felt pride when their child joined the army to serve their country, but it could also be a terrifying experience for them as they waited for their child's return. Parents frequently live in fear of losing their children in battle and devote much of their time to praying for their safe return. Ethan Houston's mother was no exception. When her son surprised her while she was out grocery shopping, her anxiety, relief and joy overflowed.

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