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Mother highlights how little it takes to be a 'good dad' using a hilariously accurate song

The mom, in her clip, touched upon the topics of different expectations and standards held against mothers and fathers in society.

Mother highlights how little it takes to be a 'good dad' using a hilariously accurate song
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @ilovefarideh

Undeniably, the societal attitude towards the roles of mother and father is vastly different. As Healthy Place points out, mothers are supposed to be nurturers and caretakers. On the other hand, fathers are supposed to be disciplinarians and decision-makers. It is evident that in this distribution, mothers are overburdened. But they never seem to get the gratitude they deserve because of the common misconception they are just better at it. Even if fathers blur the line a bit and enter the domestic sphere, they are likely to be showered with more compliments. Farideh - who goes on TikTok by @ilovefarideh - highlighted this attitude using a hilariously accurate song. In this funny presentation, she called out the unequal standards set for mothers and fathers in parenthood.

Image Source: TikTok/@ilovefarideh
Image Source: TikTok | @ilovefarideh

The mother, also a singer, starts the video by belting out the comment she is tired of hearing, "You are such a good dad," all while her husband is dancing in autumn leaves. After that, she begins listing her own contributions, "I did the cooking and the cleaning and the groceries and the laundry," while sarcastically pointing out the discrimination, "And someone said to you, 'You are such a good dad'." These lyrics present the sad state women in many households have to go through daily. They spread themselves thin doing everything and never get the respect men automatically do because of patriarchy.

Image Source: TikTok/@ilovefarideh
Image Source: TikTok | @ilovefarideh

"I woke at 5 a.m. to screaming in the hallway. There was a barf in the bed, so another load of laundry. Our kid was crying, so we talked about our feelings. You were sleeping. That's cool," she sings in the second verse. "But then you got up and your mom came over and she said, 'You are such a good dad'." There has been a lot of discussion on how the attitude of women in the 90s spoiled men into believing how their partners should function. They have grown up seeing their mother multitask, therefore, they have no qualms about seeing their partner do the same.

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It is essential that for healthy parenthood, they should equally distribute the responsibilities. Moreover, vital elements like open communication, strong interpersonal relationships between parents and children, harmony and cohesion should be present in a healthy household.

Image Source: TikTok/@cheychey998
Image Source: TikTok/@cheychey998

The viral video has garnered over 7M views and 930K likes. The comment section completely agreed with Farideh @staiwalk loved the teamwork between the parents and wrote, "Awe, he did this video with you! He is such a good dad." @tenalouan has a suggestion to build up the moms and commented, "At the park at the grocery store running errands, anytime we see a mom in public, we need to say 'you're such a good mom'. Let's lift ourselves up."

Image Source: TikTok/@gapeach30349
Image Source: TikTok/@gapeach30349

@glunker added, "My youngest once said to me that I should have married a girl because we do all the work around the house and with kids." @susangaleski appreciated her husband and said, "Every time I hear this song, I feel extremely lucky because my husband really is such a good dad."

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