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Mom reunites with firstborn son ex-husband kept away from her for 40 years in tearjerking meeting

The mom was forced to give up her child for his good when he was young and she was able to finally see him after 40 years.

Mom reunites with firstborn son ex-husband kept away from her for 40 years in tearjerking meeting
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @thekoreanmama

A mother wants nothing other than the best for her children even if that means having to make sacrifices that are heart-wrenching. @thekoreanmama shared the story of a mother who was separated from her son 40 years ago and finally got a chance to reunite with him. The man in the video mentioned that the woman had a son out of her first marriage and when things didn’t work out, she had no choice but to let her son go post-divorce. The mom believed that the son would be better off with the father at the time and so, she reluctantly let him go.

Image Source: TikTok|@thekoreanmama
Image Source: TikTok|@thekoreanmama

“Are you excited,” the man asked his mom. “Yes, it’s strange, this feeling, but it’s good,” the mom exclaimed with a smile on her face. Sharing more about their story, the man said, “The family then blocked mom out of his life, rejected any attempt by mom to reconnect with him, told mom to stop sending birthday gifts, etc.” The man further revealed that the son tried to keep in touch with his mom but to no avail. “Luckily mom was in touch with an auntie but auntie was too scared to say anything,” he added.

Image Source: TikTok|@thekoreanmama
Image Source: TikTok|@thekoreanmama

He further shared that the boy’s dad had recently passed away and the auntie spilled the beans on the mom’s long history of trying to reach her son. The auntie exchanged phone numbers for the duo and they connected. “They were up all night catching up on the last 40 years,” the man added. “I found out he lives in LA, so I immediately made plans for them to visit so I can meet my big brother for the first time,” the man remarked. He shared a glimpse of him and his mother at the airport waiting eagerly to meet the son.

Image Source: TikTok|@thekoreanmama
Image Source: TikTok|@thekoreanmama

The mom was only waiting with a nervous and anticipated look on her face, asking each time, “Is he here?” “My heart breaks for Mom. I was almost in tears watching this, I remember always asking Mom why I didn’t have an older brother,” the man recalled. As the mom got down the escalator, she was already in tears, she looked around and spotted her son and he immediately embraced her. The mom broke down in tears and refused to let go of her son for a long time.

Image Source: TikTok| @christinegambler
Image Source: TikTok| @christinegambler
Image Source: TikTok|@zwhited
Image Source: TikTok|@zwhited


“I’ve received messages from people that many of them are going through similar things so I hope this was helpful for you,” the man concluded. Several people sympathized and congratulated the mom on reuniting with her son. @mamasmia22 said, “Those sobs are years of heartbreak and longing for her baby. Her poor heart.” @janelpaulino30 said, “Mom’s cry sounded like she had been holding the pain inside her for all these years. So glad your family reunited.” @beansprout2 said, “To have to say goodbye and give up your child forever is so heartbreaking. Mom had gone through so much.” @heart_gem214 said, “That cry was from the soul. Hope your mom and brother are healing well.”

You can follow the Korean mama (@thekoreanmama) on TikTok for more wholesome content. 

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