Mom kicks daughter out at 15 to become independent, only to return a decade later, demanding inheritance money after her ex's passing.
Not caring for one’s relationships can haunt someone for a lifetime, as these bonds require constant nurturing and care. But some people are too busy in their own world, to even consider their loved ones’ well-being. The same thing happened to a woman whose mother kicked her out of their family home more than a decade ago. Suddenly, the mother decided to reunite with her now-adult daughter following her ex-husband’s passing. The 24-year-old, who is living on her own and goes by u/Bright_Skies_Ahead on Reddit, revealed that her mom’s motive for reconnecting after all these years of alienation was solely for her dad’s inheritance money. In a widely shared post, she explained that her mother learned about his will after he passed away from cancer.
"My mom learned about my inheritance and is demanding three-fourths of it for raising me for most of my life," the woman wrote, emphasizing that the same caregiver kicked her out of their house at the age of 15. Since then, the teen’s dad took care of her by raising her and fulfilling all her wishes until his passing. "My dad has been raising me since my mom kicked me out at 15 to teach me responsibility and to be an adult. My dad heard and picked me up, and I moved in with him," she recalled. The daughter went on to claim that her mother kept her in the dark by consistently feeding her lies about her dad. "My mom told me all these lies, growing up: that my dad didn’t love me, didn’t want me, and never wanted to see me. He tried so hard to see me, but my mom had convinced him I didn’t want to," the woman claimed further, admitting she was manipulated into believing her dad had little interest in her after the divorce.
Additionally, the 24-year-old, who is doing well for herself now, revealed how she got close to her father in the last ten years. “He was such a help with all the issues I had growing up. When he passed, he left me with all the money and most of his stuff, but I have split it between his siblings,” the post said. Despite moving to another state, the woman had no idea how her mother managed to track her down. During their first meeting, she noticed a change in her mom’s behavior, as she was trying hard to be nice. The mother showered her daughter with compliments about her good looks, her success in life, and her apartment. Expressing how much she had missed her daughter over the years, the mother said that her daughter hadn’t tried to mend their relationship.
“I just ignored her comment and asked her how she found me and why she was here. She told me she had learned about my whereabouts from my aunt, my dad’s younger sister, after visiting her, following my dad’s passing,” the post explained. The woman felt it was unusual for her mother to drive 14 hours to check up on her. “I had this gut feeling that it wasn’t a normal check-up,” she said, revealing a conversation they had during lunch. Her mother was upset over her late dad’s decision to not include her in his will. She was also not invited to the reading of the will.
“I had explained that she wasn’t mentioned, but she could have whatever was left in my dad’s house,” the daughter remarked, adding that the property’s clean-up was still underway. She suggested to her mom that there were a few items no one wanted to take, including furniture in that house.
"My mom was upset and angry that she didn’t get anything and became even more upset when I said she could take the stuff no one else wanted. Then, my mom asked me what I had received in the will. I didn’t lie, I told her I got whatever money he had left and saved up, and she was furious,” the post elaborated. The agitated mother felt it wasn’t fair, claiming that her former husband never paid child support and that he should have given her some of that money. Furthermore, she asked her daughter to hand over a few grand from the inheritance. “She flipped, saying she is entitled to that money. I’m pretty sure my dad did pay her child support, because we would receive a check once a month in the mail from him, which my mom immediately spent on herself,” the post continued.
When the woman asked her mother to leave her alone, the mom started crying and screaming about being disrespected. “If she really wanted to see me, she wouldn’t have brought up the money. She’s been blowing up my phone with texts and calls, and I’m at my breaking point. If giving her the money will shut her up and leave me alone for another 10 years, then I might just do it,” the post concluded, inviting reactions from the online community.
“Don’t give her anything. Giving her the money won’t shut her up. She will come back for more. Eventually, she will realize that you are not going to do what she wants, and she will stop,” u/daehreppoc advised. “You draw the line now and say no, and eventually she’ll realize you mean 'no' and will leave you alone,” u/dahjahjah echoed a similar sentiment.