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Black woman teaches white mom how to style adopted daughter's hair and it's a beautiful story

Stephanie Hollifield realized she wasn't doing her black daughter's hair correctly and decided to reach out to her Black friends on the internet.

Black woman teaches white mom how to style adopted daughter's hair and it's a beautiful story
Image Source: Instagram/Stephanie Hollifield

Parenting is a learning process and not being afraid to ask for help is what shows that you are willing to do what it takes to have the best for your baby. Stephanie Hollifield and her husband, AJ, who are White, adopted a Black baby girl. Hollifield loved Haley no differently than her biological children. But as her daughter grew up, Hollifield realized she wasn't doing her black daughter's hair correctly. The Georgia mom of five who blogs for decided to reach out to her Black friends on social media to help guide her. And an unexpectedly heartwarming story came out of this call for help.



She took to social media to share an update and wrote: "A couple of days ago, I posted to Facebook asking for advice on caring for my African American daughter’s hair. As a white mama, I was a bit lost. This lady, Monica Hunter, who I had never met in person before today, offered to come to my house and walk me through exactly how to style my daughter’s hair." Hunter arrived fully equipped to walk Hollifield through the right way to do her daughter's hair. "She gave us her time, advice, headbands, combs, and hair product. She asked for nothing in return and wouldn’t accept my money," Hollifield said.



She added, "By the time she left I had a little more confidence in fixing my daughter’s hair and most importantly I felt supported by my new friend. In a time of so much hate and division, our world needs more people like this." The story went viral and people were all praise for women supporting women. One Facebook user wrote: Strong women recognizing and asking for help when it is needed, and making a selfless act of assistance. We can all learn from you. And just think what you 2 are teaching your much more than good hair care!


Hollifield decided to reach out after spending countless hours watching YouTube videos to learn how to do her daughter's hair. "As a white mama to Black children, I am deeply aware that there will be social and cultural aspects of parenting that I simply won't be able to navigate by myself," she noted. "I desperately want to do the right thing for my daughter and have always been thankful for the way my Black friends have stepped up to help me fill in that gap." Hunter and Hollifield are now friends and have gotten together for double dates with their husbands as well as set up play dates with their kids.



The story soon became something bigger than hair. In an update to the new relationship that was forged with Hunter as well as the conversation it had sparked, Hollifield wrote, "In our country, where everything seems so divisive, her quiet act of kindness spoke loudly to people from all walks of life. People are hesitant to reach out to someone who may be different. Conversations are too difficult. In these tricky times, it’s hard to know what to say. How to respond. People seem so easily offended, so we stop trying to understand each other." She added, "Thank you, Monica, for reminding me — and so many others — of the importance of kindness." 


She went on to add, "There are many opportunities to make someone’s day brighter in our everyday lives. When we tune out the divisiveness that seems so loud, we remember that we are all people who need each other." Facebook user Patrice D Neal commented: Acts like this is what makes America great. We as humans & Americans should be moving forward not in reverse. Culture & diversity should be embraced & learned. There is no such thing as a stupid idea if we put all ideas together we could come up with a bigger better idea. This is a good example ladies, bravo







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