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Mom takes triplets and toddler to jury duty and is surprised by the courthouse's welcoming attitude

The woman took her kids to jury duty and thought she would get dismissed, but instead, she found support and understanding.

Mom takes triplets and toddler to jury duty and is surprised by the courthouse's welcoming attitude
Image Source: Instagram | @torreyscow

Parenting can oftentimes feel like the hardest job on the planet. The task requires all of an individual's focus, all the time. Unfortunately, the parents do not get a lot of help from people around them in public places and in many cases, are left feeling guilty for disrupting the decorum. However, a heartwarming incident recounted by Torrey Scow on Instagram showcases how things are not all gloomy for parents in society, as per Good Morning America.

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Torrey Scow got notified about her jury duty in the summer and immediately realized that neither her husband nor her mother will be available to take care of her kids. She could not arrange for anyone to take care of her 18-month-old triplets and then-4-year-old daughter while she went into court. Missing the court date was also not an option, as it would lead to a $1000 fine. Therefore, she decided to pack her kids in a wagon and take them to court.

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Talking about her decision to Good Morning America, Scow said, "I told Kory, I was like, 'Don't worry about it. I'm just going to take them all in. I'm sure they'll send me right home anyways'. I didn't pack any shoes or anything. I did take snacks. We always take a bunch of snacks, thankfully." She expected such a reaction because she was used to people getting cranky whenever she visited a public place with her babies, and they began acting up.

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Scow was so sure of the outcome that she did not even pack shoes for the triplets. To her surprise, she was not dismissed. Everything went according to the rules where the mother and kids were kept in a general waiting area and then called by the Judge. Scow believed that after going to the judge she will get dismissed, but the judge kept going on with questions and did not showcase any irritation towards the antics displayed by the children.

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In Scow's own words, her children were making their presence felt on the premises, "[The triplets] were walking up to the judge's table and everything, so I'd go grab one, and as I was walking back, another baby would be walking up, so I'd have to go grab that baby, and it was just like constant while everyone is just sitting there in silence." But even in the chaos Scow felt supported, something which she has not been subjected to in many public places. The police officer in the courthouse brought the children toys to play with which Scow tells helped her immensely.

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Ultimately Scow completed her jury duty and went home. She was touched by everything that happened at the courthouse, with the way people behaved and the support that she was given. In the video, she noted that after having children, she and her husband had not visited even church as they were afraid of the commotion and reaction. They were appreciative of the understanding and adjustment that the courthouse showed towards their children. The video has garnered more than 180 thousand likes and 8,000 comments.

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