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Mom stresses the need to focus on oneself and shares how it helps hold a positive outlook on life

Everything related to a person's well-being and growth begins with themselves. It's about noticing the little efforts and sharpening them from within.

Mom stresses the need to focus on oneself and shares how it helps hold a positive outlook on life
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Stefan Stefanick; Instagram | @michellejones.g

Taking care of oneself and being self-aware is a crucial concept that can be tackled easily. Many people fail to realize that having a strong core relationship with oneself often accounts for good mental health and well-being. Michelle Jones, a mom and a self-love advocate who goes on Instagram as @michellejones.g, shared a video as a reminder that everything begins with oneself. Whether it’s the determination, the commitment, the mindset, all of it starts from within. In an earlier video, she put forth the idea that there are many things people do that are considered default but take up a lot of courage and confidence. She highlighted that these things need to be celebrated as much as other accomplishments.

Image Source: Instagram| @michellejones.g
Image Source: Instagram| @michellejones.g

"Here are some things that I think people underestimate," the mom said. "I think that people underestimate the power of showing up for themselves," Jones said. The mom was trying to point out that many things that seem obvious, hold much importance and there's a lot that goes behind making the smallest things happen. Though these things may not make a major impact, their absence sure leaves a significant difference. "I think that people underestimate their true potential," she added. Jones' video was a reminder that often the little things account for the most. Even deciding to wake up and get out of bed matters and must be appreciated.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro Studio

Several people ignore these little things, which causes a setback and many are not able to point out why. In her recent video, the mom highlighted how the aforementioned concepts stem from "mindset" and how it is crucial to a person's well-being. She shared her example in the text overlay and said, "Today, my coach said one more round when I thought I was done." Jones further added that instead of complaining, she used it as an opportunity to get stronger. "Mindset is everything," she wrote. The mom who promotes mental health and well-being and related elements shared that one can change their mindset with sheer commitment.

"This year, commit to finding yourself. Commit to changing your mindset. Commit to feeling more in your body. Commit to seeing things from a different perspective. Commit to show up for yourself," she wrote in the caption. The change of mindset brings about several differences in how they feel and in their lifestyle as well. Like Jones showed in her video, her commitment and push were for one more round of exercise. However, this applies to any and every aspect of life.

Whether it’s career, relationship or even one’s personal life aspects, a strong mindset backed with commitment can make a huge difference. Many parents, coaches and others agreed with Jones’ words. @abbiehartleylifecoach said, “I completely agree. It can hold us back so much. If you change your mindset, you can change your life.” @felicia_noriega agreed and added, “Yes, your mindset will make or break you.” @themindfulmade said, “1000% on the same page.” So whatever element of life it may be: body, health, family and anything else if one wants to see a change, the first step is to alter one’s mindset and commit to a renewed perception.

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