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Mom shares viral back-to-school rules for son and it's equally funny and helpful

A mother to a teenage son is laying down some strict but funny rules before he goes back to school after summer break and fellow moms can relate.

Mom shares viral back-to-school rules for son and it's equally funny and helpful
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @thicnicjack

It's back-to-school season and content creator moms on social media platforms are sharing hacks and routines on how they deal with kids and their crazy schedules. One such mom from Ohio named Nicole Jackson, who goes by @thicnicjack on TikTok, is certain that no matter what "race, color or creed anyone is from, motherhood is something that unites women" like her. The 43-year-old Jackson told TODAY about laying down a few rules for her son who went back to school after a long summer break.

Image Source: TikTok | @thicnicjack
Image Source: TikTok | @thicnicjack


"Best day of the year! Mimosas for everyone," she joked. "I celebrate this day like it’s a national holiday. Parenthood is a glorious experience, but it's hard and it comes with problems. We need to laugh at the weeds that grow in the garden." Jackson went viral last summer with one of her TikTok videos where she was setting up some hilarious rules for her 13-year-old son before he went back to school. 

Jackson, who works as a nurse in Cleveland, started off her video by warning people about how kids fake being sick at times. "What we not gonna do is change up our stomach energy. You’ve been living on a diet of hot chips, chicken nuggets and every popsicle and disgusting drink known to man, without one stomachache. You’re not about to come to me talking about ‘my stomach hurt’ like you’ve got the intestinal tract of a geriatric Crohn’s patient," Jackson said.

Representational Image Source: Pexels | Kindel Media
Representational Image Source: Pexels | Kindel Media


Her second rule is about how she won't let her kid sleep in. "What we not gonna do is act like we can’t wake up," Jackson quipped. "You’ve been getting up at 6:77 every morning and yes, I said 6:77 because it’s some ungodly hour that doesn’t exist and ask me about some breakfast," she joked while maintaining a straight face. She also expects her teenage son to make sure he sorts out his school bag and clothes before going to bed at night to avoid the morning chaos.

Image Source: TikTok | @thicnicjack
Image Source: TikTok | @thicnicjack


Jackson also expects her son to inform her in advance about anything that involves paperwork and projects because she won't tolerate her son coming to her the night before his big assignment is due, asking for her help. Jackson won't be staying up in the "wee hours" to help him complete his project. She also expects her son to not run out of school supplies in the first week of school. "I literally just spent $75,000 making sure everything on the list was there. You’re not about to keep losing everything," she mentioned. 

Representational Image Source: Pexels | Oleksandr P
Representational Image Source: Pexels | Oleksandr P

This mom's video concluded with her relatable rant about how kids complain about the lunch that is packed for them. But Jackson is not having any of it. "What we not gonna do is complain about the lunches that are packed for you," Jackson noted. "I literally took you to the store and asked you if every separate item was okay, but then when I went to put it together in a lunch that’s nutritious, now all of a sudden it’s trash." Her final rule is all about prohibiting her son from repeatedly asking about when the dinner will be ready.

Image Source: TikTok | @thicnicjack
Image Source: TikTok | @thicnicjack

Mothers on the platform united in solidarity with Jackson as they could relate to almost all of the 'rules' she was planning to lay down for her son. @whittywashere0909 asked, "Ma'am respectfully, do you do presentations via Zoom? Because my boy needs this." @angel_eyes87 wrote, "Yes ma’am I felt it in my soul. Also you not forgetting homework when all summer you didn’t forget when Fortnite updated (sic)." @momoftna added, "This mom is every teacher’s dream." Jackson continues to make funny videos about parenting.

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