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Mom shares a hilarious story of her son smuggling a toaster to school in his backpack to make Pop-Tarts at lunch

'He took his backpack to the lunchroom, found a spot by an outlet and proceeded to toast Pop-Tarts and pass them around.'

Mom shares a hilarious story of her son smuggling a toaster to school in his backpack to make Pop-Tarts at lunch
Cover Image Source: Twitter/Elisa Stone Leahy

Editor's Note: This article was originally published on April 20, 2022. It has since been updated.

A thoroughly amused mother left Twitter users cracking up over the antics of her 13-year-old son when she shared a story about the time he sneaked a toaster into school. "Apparently my kid got in trouble today for packing our toaster in his backpack and pulling it out at lunch to make Pop-Tarts for his class. I can't stop laughing," wrote Elisa Stone Leahy, an author and mom of three, in a Twitter thread. "I hear that the teacher actually only told him not to 'make a habit of it.' So I wonder how many times makes a habit? I also wonder if I should hide the popcorn popper..."

Speaking to Bored Panda about her family, Stone Leahy said: "I have three amazing kids. As a mom of three, it's tough watching one of them get so well-known when the others have so much to offer too. My oldest (who is 14 years old) writes poetry and is an incredible leader. She was just voted her class representative at her ninth-grade election. My youngest (a 10-year-old) is also a brilliant writer. I'm an author myself and she and I have many writing conversations. Our family is Peruvian American Canadian. We've been through a lot but we've also had some really incredible life experiences. My husband and I are documentary filmmakers so we lived in the Andes mountains filming a documentary when the kids were younger and now we're back on our vacation."


As her original tweet gained immense attention from people who found young Mateo's portable toaster service quite hilarious, Stone Leahy shared more information about how it all went down. "Got a bit more detail of the incident: he took his backpack to the lunchroom, found a spot by an outlet, pulled out the toaster, set it on the seat next to him and proceeded to toast Pop-Tarts and pass them around. We only had enough at home for his table. He didn't charge," she tweeted.


"Honestly, that toaster is on its last legs. I'm not sure how it survived the trip," Stone Leahy revealed. "I bought those Pop-Tarts because our kitchen is being repaired and all our meals are coming from the microwave and the toaster at the moment. I guess he saw how many we had and figured we had plenty to share." Sharing a little bit about the genius behind the Pop-Tart lunch, she wrote: "He's 13, a man of few words, a bit of a prankster, very sweet. A few years ago someone gave him $100 as a gift when he started cancer treatment. He asked to go buy Lego sets that he could give to other kids in the hospital. 5 years later, he's just as sweet and no signs of cancer."


"This story really captures him and I’m glad everyone is enjoying it! I know it's getting a lot of attention so if you want to go donate some Pop-Tarts or something else to your local food pantry, we would love that! Food pantries have gotten our family through some rough times," Stone Leahy tweeted. She later revealed that Kellogg's got in touch with her and offered to send some of their toaster pastries to the school and donate to the nonprofit, No Kid Hungry.


Twitter users were utterly impressed by Stone Leahy's generous teen and one of them was even inspired to write a poem about the incident. Here are some of our favorite reactions:







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