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Mom shares adorable video of her sons waving in the clouds for heartbreaking reason

The mom posted a video of her sons waving in the clouds. People on the platform found it heartbreaking.

Mom shares adorable video of her sons waving in the clouds for heartbreaking reason
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @three_here_one_in_my_heart

Losing a sibling before they are born can be the most heartbreaking thing for kids. Helena Sinclair, a mom of three kids, shared a heartbreaking video on Instagram of her two sons who were seen waving to the clouds to their late sister. The woman lost her fourth child in May last year. She keeps sharing on social media about how she and her family are processing the grief of losing Lyra. 

Image Source: Instagram | @three_here_one_in_my_heart
Image Source: Instagram | @three_here_one_in_my_heart

In the video, Sinclair's sons, Jonah and Hugo, are seen waving from the window of an airplane. Meanwhile, one of them shouts, "Hi, baby sister." He then turns around to tell his mother about it. The text overlay reads, "You head off on a plane, and your 4-year-old waves to his sister who died last year. Because he thinks we are close to her in the clouds." The video is captioned, "Thank you so much for the kind comments. He is a really sweet boy and is so in tune with his sister. He picks up little signs from her all the time and it's really special."

Image Source: Instagram | @allrhodesleadtofridays
Image Source: Instagram |@allrhodesleadtofridays

People in the comments were emotional after watching the video. @valsacco84 commented, "That's so comforting. They don't fear to remember their siblings and somehow validate their presence in our family more than anyone else. My 4-year-old daughter, every time she sees a nice moon rise, cheers her baby brother." @thereseobrien93 wrote, "I'm 32, my sister died when I was 2 1/2. Every time I go on a plane, I give her a little wave. Now that I am an adult, the wave is a little more subtle, but I hope he keeps waving." @tracy_a_thomas shared, "This is heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. I hope he always looks up and finds his sister in the clouds and it brings him as much happiness as it did this day." 

Image Source: Instagram | @our_georgian_dream
Image Source: Instagram | @our_georgian_dream

@teejcee19 expressed, "Awww, so sweet. I'm a flight attendant and I've always felt closer to my dad (who passed) when I'm up in the clouds at work." @cdougherty69 said, "Aww that’s incredibly beautiful! I'm so sorry for your loss but live and respect how you keep her beautiful spirit alive in your family. Truly wonderful." The mother told Good Morning America that her daughter Lyra was stillborn at 38 weeks pregnant. "All three of my boys met and held their sister," she said. She added that her son, Jonah, often waves at the sky and points out stars, and says hello to his sister. 

In another similar story, a bride named Becky left a seat empty for her late son at her wedding. They left a sign on the seat that read, "I'm in heaven for your wedding, so what shall I do? I'll come down to earth to spend it with you. So save me a seat, just one empty chair. You may not see me, but I will be there." But just for the wedding, her fiance, Kelly, made her meet a 21-year-old man named Jacob and the bride knew exactly who he was. Two years ago, her son had donated his heart to Jacob. He had flown from San Diego for Becky's special day. The woman broke down seeing him and couldn't stop crying. She even got to hear her late son's heartbeat with a stethoscope.

You can follow Helena Sinclair (@three_here_one_in_my_heart) on Instagram for more content on her family life.

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