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Mom shares 10 super fun alternatives of rewarding children other than toys and candy

Ditch the regular toys and candy basic reinforcements and hop on to these 10 intriguing and creative alternatives to reward kids.

Mom shares 10 super fun alternatives of rewarding children other than toys and candy
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Gustavo Fring; Instagram | @wehavetogothroughit

Reinforcement and rewards for children at an early age are often recommended to instill the right behavior and discipline. However, when one thinks of it, the only reward that seems suitable for them is toys or candy. While this gets monotonous for parents and children, it is also not the best idea for several reasons. A teacher and mom of four, Kirah Johnson—who goes by @wehavetogothroughit on Instagram–shared 10 alternatives parents can use to keep the whole reinforcement factor worth looking forward to. Moreover, these alternatives also account for a form of bonding for parents and kids.

Image Source: Instagram| @wehavetogothroughit
Image Source: Instagram | @wehavetogothroughit

The short clip consisted of 8 alternatives, spontaneously listed one after another. Each of these was a simple idea where the finished result is the reward or the process itself is what accounts for the fun factor as a reinforcement. The first one was a bubble bath. "It doesn't have to be cheap toys and endless candy. It also doesn't have to cost a billion dollars or be unforgettable," the caption read. Next up was, "Choose your dinner." Whether it is fries or ice cream, every kid gets to pick their favorite meal as a reinforcement.

Image Source: Instagram| @wehavetogothroughit
Image Source: Instagram | @wehavetogothroughit

Sharing what the mom called a "caveat," the caption read, "I am very motivated by food and don’t mind tossing out a sucker here or there. But food rewards can't be the only tool in my toolbox because I don't want to communicate that food has to be earned. Food is neutral. Food can be fun! I wouldn't call a skittle wrong, but let's not overdo it." The next reward was board games at the coffee shop, followed by a family movie and forts night. Almost every kid loves games and having the thrill of going crazy with games after doing something good is a different feeling altogether.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio

The fifth pointer was "1:1 time with mom and dad." The caption elaborated on the same. It read, "Rewards can be free and leave no trace. When in doubt, 1:1 time with you doing almost anything will probably be highly motivating." Next up was temporary hair dye. The 7th and 8th alternatives are often the kiddo's favorites. "Late nights and night hikes," the pointers read.

The mom shared 2 more intriguing alternatives to reward kids within the caption. "Be the DJ in the car for the day - pick all the music!" and "An outing with grandma and grandpa. That's right. Pulling out the big guns this is a win for everyone," she mentioned. These alternatives are sure to have kids excited to get chores done and be good children! The mom shared the source of her inspiration in the caption.

She said, "A positive reinforcement (reward) can be anything that is motivating for 'your' child. This is a great time to play with their hobbies and interests. And ask your kids! My 8-year-old suggested a 'special bath; as a reward. I wouldn't have thought of that, but baths are uncommon for him now and he was moved by the novelty." @daisyandpeterdesigns commented, "My little one hates getting ready for bed but loves cleaning, so if he gets ready for bed, he will help me clean a window." @koddi_archives said, "I'd love to have done board games, maybe not at a coffee shop, but I love(d) trivia and other games."

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A post shared by Kirah Johnson | Teacher, Mom of 4 (@wehavetogothroughit)


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