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Mom explains the housing crisis as she reveals her 25-year-old son cannot afford to move out

She shared that her recently graduated son had plans to save money by living at home but even after six months he cannot afford a simple apartment.

Mom explains the housing crisis as she reveals her 25-year-old son cannot afford to move out
Image Source: Reddit/Zach2741

The housing crisis is a growing problem in the US, with increasing numbers of people struggling to find affordable housing. Rising housing costs, stagnant wages, and limited availability of affordable housing have made it difficult for many individuals and families to find a place to live. Homelessness rates have also been on the rise, and many governments and organizations are struggling to find solutions to address the issue. Moreover, the housing crisis has significant social and economic impacts and requires urgent attention and action from policymakers and communities alike. It is affecting common people where new graduates are struggling to afford a place of their own. A mother highlighted this in a viral TikTok video stating she had "an eye-opening experience" while helping her son look for an apartment. The video was posted on Reddit by u/Zach2741, which has gotten more than 59k upvotes.

Image Source: Reddit/Zach2741
Image Source: Reddit/Zach2741


She explains in the video that her son graduated from college six months ago and had plans to move back in with his parents. He wanted to save enough to get his own place and his parents were perfectly fine with it. She adds, "He has saved up every dime and works a 40-hour-a-week job. He is earning $40,000 a year which according to me is good enough to live. Apparently, that's not the case anymore." She says that they shortlisted a few houses off Zillow and went to check them out. The mother adds that every house that fell into his budget was unhabitable. Either they were in completely dangerous parts of the town or had hazardous conditions and were going for $800 a month. "They should just be torn the hell down," she adds while explaining the conditions of these apartments.

Image Source: Reddit/Zach2741
Image Source: Reddit/Zach2741


Furthermore, she clarifies that they do not live in a metropolitan city but in Montgomery, Alabama. She adds, "I don't understand how the housing industry has gone so donkey." She went on to say that she suggested that he could just buy a house because the mortgage costs less than rent but he cannot do that as he doesn't have any line of credit. He did not take out a student load to save himself from debt so his credit doesn't exist. She ends the video by saying, "How do we expect young people supposed to get ahead?"

Reddit user u/Jimmy_Jazz_The_Spazz commented, "You can't even find $800 apartments in the ghetto here, the cheapest apartments in the worst part of the city are still $1500+ a month for a 1 bedroom in the crack/meth part of town. I had to move back in with my parents in my late 30s because I lost my job due to the pandemic and haven't recovered since." Another user u/AngryAlterEgo said, "Man, I’m not even 40 yet and a normal 2 BR apartment of the standard she’s talking about was only $650 when I was 25. It blows my mind how much rent has gone up."

Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit

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