A woman giving gifts to a man; (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Nicole Michalou)
Have you ever been scolded by your mom for not emptying your pockets before tossing clothes into the laundry? Moms everywhere know the drill—finding crumpled candy wrappers, coins, sticky notes, and other mysterious treasures tucked away. One Reddit user, u/justgrant2009, shared a touching story about how his mom turned this common experience into a heartwarming gift. For years, she saved every single item she found in his pockets and used them to create a one-of-a-kind lamp, which she gifted him on his wedding day.
A woman putting clothes in the washing machine (Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project)
Sharing a photo of the unique lamp on Reddit, he wrote, "This lamp contains everything my mom ever found in my pockets when doing laundry for me as a child. She gave it to me at my wedding." Inside the lamp are small treasures from his childhood, like pebbles, marbles, and other forgotten items that once filled his pockets. Each object serves as a reminder of youthful adventures and the bond between a mother and her child, making it a truly priceless gift.
A woman smiling and doing laundry (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Sarah Chai)
Interestingly, the author further revealed, replying to an individual in the comments and wrote, "Absolute surprise. She kept it all in a glass jar on the top shelf in the laundry room and always told me that if I left something in my pockets, she put it in there and I couldn't have it back...there's a Super Mario Land Gameboy game in there, that I'm still dying to get back." The Reddit post received an overwhelming response on social media, with several people appreciating the mother for her creativity.
For instance, u/hammy64 commented, "Sounds like you have a pretty awesome mom! Those are the things you will really treasure as you get older. It also sounds like a great tradition to pass down to your children. Congrats on your wedding too!" u/unknownkoger wrote, "I'm happy to see a large number of rocks, pebbles and twigs in the lamp. I'm going to guess you led an adventurous and sometimes mischievous childhood...as you should." Meanwhile, the man shared, "Pogs, Hot Wheels, a Gameboy game, a Magic School Bus McDonald's toy, a kazoo, Discovery Zone tickets... the whole 9 yards of my childhood is in that lamp. I nostalgia all over myself every time I turn it on."
u/rand0mbasterd wrote, "Too cool....my kids are young enough I can still start one of these for them. Although I'm surprised there aren't more rocks in there. Their pockets are always full of rocks."
On the other hand, u/fondupot wrote, "I wish my mom would have checked my pockets when she still did my laundry. Lost a lot of Pokemon cards and other important pieces of paper...or at least 10-year-old me deemed important." u/foreverahipster wrote, "Awesome gift! I think my lamp would be a little less innocent. Cigarettes. Weed. Lighters. Bottle caps. Bowls. Condoms. Matches. Guitar Picks. Wristbands from strip clubs...now that I think of it...I used to suck at hiding shit." u/leeshapwnz wrote, "Thank your mom for giving me an excellent idea for my sons. I love this! So personal, well thought out, and loving. Your mom rocks! Also, congrats on getting married! Wishing you many years of happiness."