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Stranger who had 'poor upbringing' gives a mom a heartwarming note for a wholesome reason

The mom, who was dining with her daughter and nephew, shared the stranger's random act of kindness.

Stranger who had 'poor upbringing' gives a mom a heartwarming note for a wholesome reason
Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock Project, Reddit | u/Violets-4-Roses

Social media often brightens our day with the most heartwarming stories, restoring our faith in humanity and kindness. Recently, a Reddit user, u/Violets-4-Roses, shared a touching note she received from a stranger in a cafe. "A random stranger just gave me this," she wrote, providing context for the sweet encounter.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Elly Fairytale
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Elly Fairytale

In the comments, she explained that she was at a local cafe with her daughter and baby nephew when she noticed a man sitting a few tables away. "There was nobody else in the cafe, so he could probably hear everything we were saying unintentionally," she noted. After he left, the mom saw him return with a card. "Before I could say anything, he said, 'Someone has left this for you,' and walked out," she added. The man left a sweet note and a couple of $20 bills, making it seem like it was from someone anonymous.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Violets-4-Roses
Image Source: Reddit | u/Violets-4-Roses

She shared a picture of the note, which read, "Treat the children to some ice cream. You are a great mum and a good role model. Keep doing what you're doing. Your children are a credit to you." Touched by this kind gesture, she shared it on social media. Curious about the man’s motivation, she asked the cafe employees about him.

"I spoke to the women who run the cafe to see if they knew who he was, and they said he usually leaves money behind the counter to pay for a few families' orders anonymously, as he had a very poor upbringing and wants to help other families," the mom pointed out. So, the stranger was simply doing a random act of kindness for the mom. His destitute past turned him into a generous stranger who goes around paying for random people without letting them know about his identity. With over 4000 upvotes, this story brought smiles to many faces. Some even suggested that the mom do the same for others and she assured in a comment, "I will absolutely be paying it forward."

Image Source: Reddit | u/shroomenheimer
Image Source: Reddit | u/shroomenheimer
Image Source: Reddit | u/gdotpk
Image Source: Reddit | u/gdotpk
Image Source: Reddit | u/RandomNameBecauseI
Image Source: Reddit | u/RandomNameBecauseI

"One of those everyday heroes out there hero-ing. I'm so grateful for these people. Thanks for posting this. Read this card on 'rainy' days," said u/DuchessOfAquitaine. "This is something you think about when you second guess yourself or even do something wrong. What an awesome person," lauded u/Certain_Try_8383. "Be sure to share this card with your kids. Explain how proud you feel that their ordinary behavior was so extraordinarily good that a total stranger noticed. This card is kudos for the whole family," added u/ItchyCredit.

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