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Mom rebuilds life buying her first home after years of addiction and prison time: 'We do recover'

In the past five years, the Michigan woman went through an inspiring journey of addiction recovery and ended up becoming a homeowner.

Mom rebuilds life buying her first home after years of addiction and prison time: 'We do recover'
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Dominque Wilson

Some people in this world are true inspirations of how to grab the second chance that life offers. Even if our own mistakes lead us to misery, there's always an option to turn around and choose a life of virtue. Recently, a woman who faced a lot of setbacks early in life has become an inspiration by rebuilding her life. According to WNEM, a Michigan-based mom, Dominque Wilson bought her first home after years of facing addiction and imprisonment. She was also fighting for her child's custody and even became homeless at one point. When she finally chose to embrace sobriety, life turned out to be rewarding.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Monstera Production
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Monstera Production

In February, Wilson poured her heart into an overwhelming post on Facebook that spoke about her journey through recovery. "From trap houses to homeowners, we do recover!" Wilson proudly announced. The mom pointed out that five years ago when she chose sobriety things started getting better. Wilson worked hard to get a job and was promoted to a salaried position within the first year since her recovery and started getting life in order. "Year two was about learning to be an adult and getting my son back," the mom wrote. By her third year of sobriety, Wilson got her driver's license and the following year was when she let her heart love wholly again. "Lots of hurdles, lots of jumps to jump through, but here we are working our a***s off to gain the things our previous lives did not," she wrote.


So, this year - the fifth year since Wilson recovered from addiction has been quite fruitful. She, along with the support of her husband Jared Gibson and her family, finally bought a house. "This year is about having the courage to change the things we can," Wilson wrote and added, "It's (Addiction) an illness that causes the subconscious part of your brain to intentionally seek out unhealthy people to numb the pain for you and with you. It takes that tiny voice within your mind that's whispering so low saying, 'Get help!' and listening to the voice and helping it grow until it's an action. And we all have it within us! We can do it!" Wilson is absolutely grateful for the support she got during her recovery from those who believed in her. Whatever Wilson set her mind to, she achieved it - getting sober, winning back her son's custody and having a home

Cody Nevins, a realtor who was one of Wilson's high school friends, helped her through the home-buying journey. "I can’t say I haven’t shed a tear. I know her son as well. I also work in a public school here locally. So, I kind of have that family connection as well. And to be able to look at that student every day and know that he’s going home to a home that, you know, mom now owns is just one of the best feelings," Nevins told the news channel feeling happy for Wilson and her family. The realtor added, "Like any client, there are hoops to jump through and whatnot. But they made it to the end and I couldn’t be any more proud of them." Wilson's journey to becoming a homeowner was an inspiring one that had the combined support of all who wanted to see her succeed - her family, her realtor and her mortgage broker.


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