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Mom puts her foot down when entitled stranger tries to hijack her disabled child's stroller

The stranger thought it was okay to use the stroller for her sleeping child without asking for the mom's permission.

Mom puts her foot down when entitled stranger tries to hijack her disabled child's stroller
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Kamaji Ogino; Reddit | u/Abject-Shallot-7477

Sometimes a person has to stand up and confront strangers if they are being too difficult. A mom, u/Abject-Shallot-7477, shared how she had to put her foot down with an entitled mom who took her disabled kid's stroller without permission and refused to return it even after being told to do so. The woman's rudeness forced the mom to put her in her place with a firm no. She took to Reddit to share the incident with people.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Oleksandr P
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Oleksandr P

"I have a daughter who is 2 and a half and has Down syndrome. She is hypotonic and cannot walk yet (in progress). She goes to daycare two days a week and she's the only one in her unit who cannot walk," the woman shared. "She weighs 27.5 lbs and I cannot carry her anymore because I have a weak shoulder and lots of joint problems." Because of all these reasons, they use a stroller. "There's a dedicated space at the entrance of the daycare where you can leave your stroller for the day," she explained. "So I come to pick up my daughter at 5 PM and there's a half-asleep boy in a red stroller similar to mine in the lobby."

"My stroller is no longer in the storage. I asked the mother if she borrowed the stroller from the storage and she said yes, her son is tired and she won't need it for long," the woman revealed. The other mom's car was on the other side of the parking lot and she didn't feel like carrying her son there. "I tell her it's my stroller and I need it. She suggests I accompany her to her car and she gives me my stroller back there," u/Abject-Shallot-7477 wrote. The woman simply refused to do that. "We are alone in the lobby (units are behind closed doors) and she won't take her (now asleep) son out of my stroller and of course, I won't touch a child who's not mine," the mom continued. 

"Suddenly she begins pushing the stroller and makes her way to the door saying: 'I won't be long,'" the woman wrote. "No way! I put my foot on the stroller brake and blocked her. She must have seen I was out of patience because she took her son and went away, still cursing." People took to the comments section to support the mom. u/LiveIndication1175 wrote, "I’m glad you put your foot on it so she couldn’t take it. I would have done the same. I’d let the daycare know that this lady is helping herself to the storage closet as well, who knows what else she feels she has a right to use."

Image Source: Reddit | u/EchoDeMilo090
Image Source: Reddit | u/EchoDeMilo090
Image Source: Reddit | u/Conscious_Kelly
Image Source: Reddit | u/Conscious_Kelly

u/Notlikeyou1971 commented, "The daycare needs to be told not to allow anyone but your daughter to be in the stroller. This Prima Donna had no right to just help herself to your property. I can't stand entitled people." u/Beginning-Branch720 remarked, "Did she know it was specifically yours or did she think it was the daycare's? Like communal property to use? You could've just said, sure this time but for future reference that is MY daughter's who has a disability. Please refrain from using it as it doesn't belong to the daycare." u/Narrow_Maximum7 shared, "When did this kind of behavior become any kind of normal? Personally, I believe it was around the time people started using feelings as facts and the word triggered."

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