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Mom pregnant with triplets documents her pregnancy journey in a touching video

In a video with over 16 million views, Brittany Schneider looked down at her belly and ran her hands over it for the last time before driving to the hospital to deliver them.

Mom pregnant with triplets documents her pregnancy journey in a touching video
Cover Image Source: TikTok / @crews20

Being pregnant is a laborious job, especially when you are expecting triplets. Pregnancy brings about a sudden shift in your body, with excruciating foot and back pain, frequent bathroom breaks and morning sickness. Your body changes drastically, and baby bumps come in all shapes and sizes. For some, being pregnant is a once-in-a-lifetime blessing, but when Brittany Schneider discovered that she was having triplets, she was more than surprised. She was already a mom of one, and her pregnancy was conceived through fertility treatments. In a sweet video posted on TikTok, Schneider was overcome with emotions as she prepared to leave for the hospital with her husband to deliver their triplets.

Image Source: TikTok / /@crews20
Image Source: TikTok / @crews20

In a video with over 16 million views and 1.2 million likes, Schneider looked down at her belly and ran her hands over it for the last time before driving to the hospital to deliver her babies. "At 6 am on Friday, April 28, and a few short hours before we meet three of our four babies simultaneously," the text overlay on the video reads. "This is the last time I will see this belly, the last time I will feel your kicks, and the last time my body will have four hearts beating inside of it. Today is the day we go from one kid to four, and soon we will see your faces for the first time and feel your touch."

Image Source: TikTok / /@crews20
Image Source: TikTok / @crews20

Schneider explained that they expected to see one baby during their ultrasound, but they were greeted by three, leading her to describe her babies as "spontaneous triplets." The Advocate reports that only one in about 10,000 pregnancies results in naturally-conceived triplets. While her husband loads up the bags in their car, she says, "We will cherish and love you unconditionally. We cannot wait to introduce you to the world while so many people eagerly wait for you." Schneider shared her changing physique throughout the pregnancy on her TikTok account (@crews20) when her belly kept getting bigger and bigger.


“It is a lot bigger this go around,” the mom noted, reported the New York Post. She also explained that the differences are not extreme from giving birth to one baby. "The biggest difference here is just a longer stretch of the misery at the end,” she told a fan in her comments. Schneider also shared a follow-up video from the operating table for her cesarean section, where she introduced her three babies, Andee Catherine, Georgia Eleanore and Theodore James. The mom of four explained that the babies were healthy and did not need to receive additional oxygen. “Triplets are in the NICU on CPAP but no oxygen supplementation," she said.


Her pregnancy journey had many fellow moms commenting on how large her belly was getting. "Whoa, belly!!! How is your back after having your babies? You had a litter of little angels," said @jamiebrown315. "Talk about prepping up! They already have a Suburban on lockdown," joked @GerardoNavarrete. "They should’ve been paying rent they got more square footage than my room," quipped @midnight335i_. Many also congratulated Schneider on her newborn babies. "Congratulations! God bless you and your family, this brought tears to my eyes," said @icydoll_rachel. "Omg, congratulations! you make it look so easy. I was scared to death to go under the knife and I’m sure it was all over my face lol you looked great," shared @theyluvvsumtay_

Image Source: TikTok / /@crews20
Image Source: TikTok / @crews20


Image Source: TikTok / /@crews20
Image Source: TikTok / @crews20

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