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Mom of four comes up with an interesting dinner hack to help her family stay healthy

Mother decides to prepone her family's dinner to 3 pm after realizing its health benefits for her children.

Mom of four comes up with an interesting dinner hack to help her family stay healthy
Cover Image Source: TikTok |

Having a child is bound to alter a person's life. Everything becomes an act of balancing between kids' needs and their own. Aims–who goes by on TikTok–came out with a brilliant method through which she could ensure that she and her kids follow a healthy lifestyle. She chose to shift the dinner timings of her family from night to 3 pm. By doing so, she stopped her children from indulging in unhealthy snacking and also gave herself more time to attend to tasks like working out. In her interview with Good Morning America, the mother revealed that she did not reach this solution miraculously in a single day. There was a lot of trial and error involved before eventually sticking to this timing.

Image Source: TikTok/
Image Source: TikTok/

In the video, Aims, at the start, said, "I feed my kids at 3 pm and I'm going to tell you why." After that, she shows viewers the timing on her clock. It is 2.39 pm and she begins prepping for "dinner." She adds, "My kids have just woken up from a nap and I chucked them straight in the bath. They always wake up from their nap ravenous, so why not feed them the most amount of nutrients now and then snack later?" The camera then panned to her three kids, who were all bathed and ready to wreak havoc. Her fourth kid was still in school.

Image Source: TikTok/
Image Source: TikTok/

For dinner, Aims was cooking up a broccoli, bacon and cheese pizza. She also had some chicken nuggets in the air fryer to fulfill her protein needs. There is also a green juice in the mix. Her kid in the school would come home to "potatoes and bacon." About her, the mother says, "She also comes home starving, so that is the best time to feed her the most amount of nutrients."

It is a common behavioral pattern noted in young kids that while hungry, they become more open to healthy options. Therefore, Aims takes the opportunity of such "periods" with her children to feed them nutritious food. By 3.35 pm, all the children are done with their dinners and the mother shows their cleaned-up plates. While the kids are enjoying their "dessert," the parents sit at the table to enjoy their dinner. Aims states, "Then it frees up the rest of the night. I can do games, I can do workouts. There is no pressure." During the night, she serves the family "bedtime toast."

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In the past, whenever her children came from school or woke up from a nap during this time, she used to feed them unhealthy snacks. "I'm offering them the junk food because I just need to do the dinner. So if the dinner is ready at 3, all of that is eliminated and I'm in a better mood, they're in a better mood and it just works so much better," Aims explained. She simply could not manage to make a healthy dinner at night and serve nutritious afternoon snacks at the same time. On top of that, she had to take care of 4 children. But after some scheduling tweaks, her family was on the healthy track. She realized that if she could be done with dinner by 3 pm, she could easily cook healthy snacks for the kiddos and, at the same time, invest in her activities.

Image Source: TikTok/@daniellejmitchell
Image Source: TikTok/@daniellejmitchell
Image Source: TikTok/@maddisonolsen111
Image Source: TikTok/@maddisonolsen111

The comments section loved the method. @jamieamber_ experienced the benefits of this method and wrote, "I started feeding my kids dinner at 3/4 pm when they're hungry after seeing you do it. I don't know why I didn't do it earlier!! Game changer." @melinas_85 showered praises on the method and commented, "Love this! It saves all the rushing at the end of the day...Plus, at least they're eating good food, not rubbish and then not wanting dinner."

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