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Mom in labor informing her boss about work shows the sad reality of the US workforce

She hilariously explained the current and sad reality of working in the US where she has to take care of work engagements while in labor.

Mom in labor informing her boss about work shows the sad reality of the US workforce
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @tamaradrpic

A woman shared a hilarious message that she sent her manager when she was about to give birth. It is visible that she is on pain medicines in the way she talks, but the video also shows the sad reality of working mothers in America. Despite going through such a strenuous process of giving birth, the woman had to make sure that she informed her boss. Moreover, she emphasized that she would be finishing her work. Tamara Drpić–who goes on TikTok by @tamaradrpic–posted a video on the platform, saying, "Hi, thank you for checking in!" She is seen wearing a hospital gown and smiling, which seems like it's from all the medicines she has taken. "I'm actually going to have a baby tonight. Right now, I'm drugged up on fentanyl because of the epidural. But yeah, it came way sooner than I expected, but don't worry, I'll wrap up some emails and stuff. Let me know if you have any questions about the window," says Drpić in the video.

Image Source: TikTok | @tamaradrpic
Image Source: TikTok | @tamaradrpic

"I'm actually going to have a baby tonight. Right now, I'm drugged up on fentanyl because of the epidural. But yeah, it came way sooner than I expected, but don't worry, I'll wrap up some emails and stuff. Let me know if you have any questions about the window," says Drpić in the video. The video went viral, garnering over 1 million views. It is captioned, "I think a simple - 'baby’s coming!' Slack message would have sufficed." Though Drpić's mail is supposed to be taken in jest, it also highlights the state of working women in America. Many in the comment section shared their own experiences.


Image Source: TikTok | @tamaradrpic
Image Source: TikTok | @tamaradrpic

@mamacarlz commented, "My boss called me in the middle of labor and I was on Pitocin with no epidural, sobbing. She was like, Oh my God, why did you answer." @modern_mama shared, "I went into preterm labor and my boss said, 'Can you be in tomorrow?'" @sally_ruth said, "This was me. Hospitalized at 35 weeks, a week before my maternity leave. I was dictating emails to my husband because the meds had my hands too swollen to type." In a follow-up video responding to a popular comment that reads, "America core." Drpić says, "Oh, it gets worse. It is so embarrassing. So imagine me, big and pregnant, waddling to the labor and delivery room, holding my laptop and asking, 'Can I use my laptop to work from there?' As I am 8 centimeters dilated, I'm asking to work from the labor and delivery room. So, yeah, very, very America."

Image Source: TikTok | @tamaradrpic
Image Source: TikTok | @tamaradrpic

However, she claimed that her boss was very sweet. In another video she uploaded, this is the response she sent her, "Omg, this is so exciting. Don't worry about it. Just enjoy the moment and share pics...Let me know if you need anything on my end." Drpic explained further what exactly happened and that she loves her job. I love my manager. And in fact, I think I go overboard sometimes because I like my job so much."

"What happened is that my baby actually came a week early, and you know, the doctor's always like, 'Oh, first-time mom. It'll be a while. It might even be late.' So I was really expecting, 'Okay, May 30th or later,' but then it came out May 23rd, so I was just not there. And this is, like, despite my manager herself being like, 'Mind down, do less, like months before the due date,' and I just didn't listen as well as I should have," she added.

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