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Mom’s unfiltered reaction to daughter’s recap of fairytale first date is the internet’s new favorite thing

She came up to her mother to share her incredible experience on a first date and her mother was all ears.

Mom’s unfiltered reaction to daughter’s recap of fairytale first date is the internet’s new favorite thing
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @tina58054

A child going on their first date is a special moment for many parents. So when a daughter shared her first date experience with her mom, she took to TikTok to post the moment. Tina–who goes by @tina58054 on TikTok–shared the video where her daughter narrated her wholesome experience and her adorable reactions to her first date. The daughter shared, "He took me back to his house. Not because he wanted to do anything. But because he wanted to show me the renovations he is doing in his basement." The mom laughed at that and said you did not go to a basement on your first date. 

Image Source: TikTok | @tina58054
Image Source: TikTok | @tina58054

The daughter, Reagan, said, "I know. But he had barn doors." She added that the man was also making an apartment all by himself. "He bought the house. It is nice," she added. Meanwhile, her mom listened to her happily. The daughter then asked her mom, "Did you see his car? It's brand new. It's a 2021 SUV." Reagan told her mom that it had a screen in it and the mother-daughter duo chuckled at that. "And he was so respectful. It was beautiful," the daughter stated. The mom asked what they had for drinks. The woman replied, "I had a couple of cocktails and some wine." 

Image Source: TikTok | @tina58054
Image Source: TikTok | @tina58054

The mom then asked if she would be going on a second date. The daughter told her he wanted to bring her to his hockey game tomorrow. "It's so cute," she added. She cutely revealed, "He wants to take me thrifting beforehand." The mom exclaimed, "Thrifting?" The daughter answered, "Yeah, so we can pick out outfits for each other and not see it and that's what we wear on our next date." "This was a pretty good first date, I think," the mom commented happily. The daughter stated, "It's my first white guy. No offense, but I think I've kinda been missing out." At that point, the mom started cracking up.

Image Source: TikTok | @slyman209
Image Source: TikTok | @slyman209
Image Source: TikTok | @lucyanddexter
Image Source: TikTok | @lucyanddexter

The daughter voiced out that the boy was 25 and had a house while she was 22 and did not know what she was doing. Also, she added that she might want to move in. She concluded by saying, "It's nice, it's cute. I can get used to this." @meganllillie commented, "He renovates, has barn doors, plays hockey, and wants to take you thrifting for your next date (a.k.a. plans for the future)?! MA'AM! The flags are GREEN - GO get that pasta and lobster!" @redsoxskater69 wrote, "This needs to go viral between your laugh and your daughter's way of telling her date story, it's the funniest thing I've seen in a long time." 

@hauntedtextiles remarked, "Forget about the house and the car. This dude likes her and will treat her right. He's proud of his accomplishments and wants her to be the next." @dongarkonaadventures pointed out, "Not only is that gentleman putting in the work, but the laughter of the mom is just. Magnificent. Thrifting, are you serious? Oh dear, he really likes you." @dapplegraymanor shared, "I love that I've moved from identifying as the young lady into identifying as the cackling mom. And I'm so invested in my new daughter." 

You can follow Tina (@tina58054) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.

This article originally appeared 9 months ago.

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