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Mom shares a 6-second hack for tying a tie like a pro and it will save you so much time

People who are still trying to figure out how to tie a tie knot quickly, this mom has a perfect solution for you.

Mom shares a 6-second hack for tying a tie like a pro and it will save you so much time
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @majormumhacks

It's not just school kids wearing uniforms who struggle with tying their ties properly. It is an art that most adults have not mastered yet either. But it seems one mom from London has figured out the perfect and quickest technique to fix a tie. Casey Major Bunce, who is the creator behind the TikTok page of @majormumhacks, gave a six-second-long demonstration of how to tie a tie like a pro.

Representational Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studios
Representational Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studios


"This is super easy to do and it gives you a really clean knot at the top," Bunce says in the video while wrapping the tie around her arms three times to form a clean knot out of it by the end. "With kids going back to school soon this hack is the best and a lifesaver. Place the tie on your or your child’s arm, then just drape it around three times. Pull the second loop through the top and you’re done. You can do this another way by only doing two loops to give a smaller top, but I think the three-loop method looks so much better," she continues.

Image Source: TikTok | @majormumhacks
Image Source: TikTok/ @majormumhacks

Bunce's back-to-school hack impressed many moms who were struggling to get their kids or themselves ready for the times that required them to tie a tie quickly. A bunch of people joked and suggested that she should have made the video even slower to let "slow people" catch up with her method of fixing the tie and some others still remain clueless about the technique. @666_micha_666 wrote: "I've just watched this, saved it god knows why because my son's high school tie has velcro. By the way, fab tip to learn for when he's older though." 

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A post shared by Casey Major-Bunce (@majormumhacks)


@umad8000 was amazed by the hack and commented: "That’s some kind of wizardry." Similarly, a lot of others exclaimed that it seemed like a magic trick indeed. However, tying a tie isn't the only struggle that moms face while getting their kids ready for school with uniforms. A Pennsylvania-based surgeon Dr. Sloane shared a video on his TikTok where he demonstrated how one can tie their shoelaces like a surgeon so that it never loosens.

Just like Bunce, another mom of 3 and an autism advocate from Wisconsin, Siraya Gloudemans, posted her laundry hack which can prove to be helpful for mothers who are trying to save some time while managing multiple kids in the house. On her TikTok profile @stayatthomezookeeper, Gloudemans demonstrated how she manages the pile of laundry in her big family. She introduces her viewers with an ingenious hack which she calls "her laundry basket sorting system."

Image Source: TikTok | @stayathomezookeeper
Image Source: TikTok/ @stayathomezookeeper


"I used two 10-inch brackets and 12-inch x 24-inch rubber-made shelves. I did a drill to attach the brackets to the shelves. My biggest laundry hack is sorting it by person and if you've been around a while, you know that my kids are color-coded," she says in the video. She then proceeds to open the dryer and sort the clothes of each person in the household. She places her kids' clothes in the color-coded basket and puts her and her husband's clothes in the other two and tada, she was done. 

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