The mom explained that she allows her daughter to take a break from school once a month to help with mental recharging.
Schooling is a big stepping stone for kids. It exposes them to an environment where they have to function independently and manage certain responsibilities. It is an intellectually stimulating experience that aims to benefit children, but more often than not, it becomes a source of stress for them. As per an NPR poll, 45% of parents found their kids suffering from stress because of schooling. This is primarily because of getting overwhelmed by academic activities and work. There needs to be a healthy balance in children's lives to make the whole experience liberating for them. Noel LaPalomento understands this and has come up with a way to ensure that her little girl does not lose herself or get mentally bogged down by academics, reports Good Morning America.
In a TikTok video, Noel (@_the1stnoel) shared how she lets her daughter take a break from school once, every month. The mom documented all the things that she and her daughter do on the day off. The duo enjoys fresh air and treats like cotton candy at the mall. Many parents allow their children to take a day off from school only when they are sick, which does not allow them to partake in such activities. Many kids miss out on such memorable experiences as parents feel they should only be focused on their studies.
However, LaPalomento does not believe that this is the way to go, at least not for her own daughter, Giada. She shared how, after Giada started schooling, in a span of few days her mental health went for a toss. The daughter became exhausted, which in turn affected not only her studies but also her personality. "Last year, there [were] times she would literally come home from school, she'd be sleeping on the step before I could get her off, then she'd be sleeping in the hallway. It was like, the kid was a zombie," LaPalomento said. "And then she comes home, and I don't even have time to spend with my kid. I'm making dinner, trying to do homework [with her], and then it's time for bed."
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The concerned mom immediately understood that she needed to find a way to protect her daughter's mental health and strengthen their relationship. Hence, she decided to allow her daughter the choice to take a break from school one day every month, without being sick. "I know she's good in school and she gets good grades, and she does all her work so she could stay home for a day. It's not gonna hurt her," LaPalomento said. Through this, she wanted to formulate a desire for school within her daughter rather than fear. Taking a break from school would help her recharge mentally and pursue her studies better.
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Though her method invited differing opinions, it has been backed by certain experts. Dr. Kimberly Alexander, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute in New York City, believes that the break is a great idea. "Kids and teens, at times, will have moments where they need a break from school because they're under stress in a certain way or they're feeling overwhelmed in a certain way," Alexander said, adding that breaks can "be very restorative when done strategically."
The comment section found the method interesting. @briannaamary believes that this method is great, due to her own experience. "This is amazing. I missed so much school from being socially drained as a kid. I missed 30 days in one year cause, I’d literally throw up before school," they wrote. @suzannakahn loves how the mother prioritizes her child's emotions. "Love this. Children are still humans with their own emotions," they commented.
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