Contrary to the common perception that playgrounds are solely for children, she demonstrates how people of all ages come together to socialize in Spain.
People usually think playgrounds are meant for kids, however, that's not entirely true. A mom Ana Gildersleeve - who goes by @_anagildersleeve on TikTok - shared a video on the platform explaining what a playground culture looks like in Spain. This activity is not limited to children alone, it provides an opportunity for people of all ages to come together, socialize and even enjoy a refreshing beer. It seems to offer a much more enjoyable experience compared to what is typically seen in the US, highlighting the stark contrast in childhood experiences between these two countries.
Gildersleeve moved to America 10 years ago, but recently, she visited Spain. In the video, she pans the camera to show around a public park in Spain. The view showcases a diverse group of individuals, including men, women, and even babies, gathered around a table and engaging in lively conversations. Meanwhile, children can be seen happily playing on the ground nearby. Notably, the mother herself is seen relishing a beer in the company of a friend. It is evident that they are all thoroughly enjoying themselves and creating cherished moments of joy and connection. The text overlay reads, "It's a random Tuesday at 7 pm in Spain, the playground is full of kids and parents have fun while the kids play." The video has garnered over 437k views and more than 53k likes. It is captioned, "Playground culture in Spain is unmatched."
Many on TikTok compared the Spain culture to that of the US. @lucortes1997 commented, "Life outside of the USA is so much more relaxed." @marysolllllll wrote, "The sense of security in Europe hits differently." @adrianafuhlage expressed, "Literally the best vibes!!!! kids having fun while parents are having fun too. I’m going to miss this when I go back to the US!" @lizleemompc pointed out, "Such a lovely culture! Wish we could feel this safe in the States. I feel like I always have to keep an eye on kids at the playground and be alert." @coachingwithbailey commented, "Community and connection. Two things people in the U.S. seem to struggle to understand or create."
In another video posted earlier, Gildersleeve shared her thoughts on parenthood in the US and compared it to Spain. "Someone told me I thought I was depressed, but I was just in the wrong country," she says in the video. "First of all Americans don't do anything fun after work, especially if you are a parent. Monday through Friday, most Americans do not socialize with other people. "They go straight home after work or if you are a parent, after your kids' activities. Whereas in Spain we are out all the time. Monday through Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, when the kids are done with school, you go to the closest playground to the school and socialize with other parents."
She adds, "Also, there are many playgrounds that have attached like a little bar or coffee shop. It's super normal to have a glass of wine or a beer with other parents while the kids play in the playground." The mom talks about how isolating motherhood is in the US. "Because I feel like most Americans don't have a village at all. Moving around in the country is pretty normal here. But in Spain, most people live close to their families, as my siblings live 20 minutes away from each other, walking."
She also said people in the US separate children's activities from adult activities. "Parents organize their lives around the children's schedule, but in Spain, children adapt to the adult's schedule. But I feel like in the US when women become moms, they stop having fun." She insists that a mom can go to the club and have a night out but still be a "good mom."