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Mom embarks on a rescue mission to retrieve son's pet frog from the bathroom: 'This is motherhood'

The mom's determination and commitment shone through as she devoted hours trying to get the frog back.

Mom embarks on a rescue mission to retrieve son's pet frog from the bathroom: 'This is motherhood'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @brightsignslearning

Every parent is willing to go to extraordinary measures to ensure the happiness of their child. Their efforts encompass everything from purchasing toys to orchestrating elaborate parties and vacations, all aimed at keeping their young ones engaged and content. These sacrifices stand as a defining characteristic of parenthood, showcasing the depth of a parent's love and dedication. A mom, @brightsignslearning on TikTok, shared a series of hilarious videos about the great lengths she had to go to save her son's pet frog. She started the first video by recalling her recent efforts to resuscitate her son's fish by giving mouth-to-mouth. After which she remarks, "You're not going to believe this." The mom then details how her son has a pet frog and she suggested that they should take him out of his cage for the first time to play with him.

Image Source: TikTok/@brightsignslearning
Image Source: TikTok | @brightsignslearning

After hearing this, her son was reluctant to do it. However, she reassured him that there was nothing to worry about and insisted that they can let him out in his bathroom while keeping the door shut. Funnily enough, the frog began to jump around and within 3 seconds, got lost in the vanity. Her son became hysterical and began to call out frog by his name, "Kermit," to get him to come out. Clearly, that didn't work, as the woman set up a trap with a cricket as bait to lure the frog out. The space which the frog jumped into was quite small, so she also could not reach in with her hand to grab him.

Image Source: TikTok/@brightsignslearning
Image Source: TikTok | @brightsignslearning

She then reveals her dedication to catching the evasive pet by waiting outside the bathroom. The mom says with determination, "My son's asleep in hysterics. Thinking he's going to have a dead frog in the wall. Not on my watch." She then details how she prayed and put cricket sounds on her speaker to lure the frog out. The video cuts and the mother reveals that she has been in the closet for an hour. She confirms the presence of the frog as he is seen to be "prairie-dogging out of the hole." Seeing this, she decided to wait it out. After this, she attempted to get the frog on camera and succeeds. She hilariously ends the first video, saying, "Dude, we're in a legit standoff."

Image Source: TikTok/@brightsignslearning
Image Source: TikTok | @brightsignslearning

Her next video is an update on the situation, where she began by saying that she has been in the bathroom for two hours. She steps up her approach by employing a tube from their fish tank, letting a cricket loose and even convincing the frog that he is prey to some other animal. Seeing that her tactics are beginning to fail, she looks through the initial video's comments section for useful approaches.

Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok

She read a suggestion that involved turning off the lights and tried it out. Turning her flashlight on, she peeks around to reveal the pet frog sitting calmly in his bowl, having come out of his hiding place. Not wanting to risk it, she goes in for the catch, only for the frog to jump away a few times. She finally manages to get him and victoriously states, "I got him!" She hilariously ends the video series, saying, "We had a fish die from mouth to mouth. I could not have two deaths on me this week."

Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok

Her dedication to saving her son's pet resonated and inspired many parents who took to the comments section to praise her efforts. @thepawsomechronicles commented, "I’m dying. The way your eyes are legit bloodshot from lack of sleep all in the name of frog in a hole."@taragww said, "The fact that your son got to witness you save his frog. He’s gonna grow up with so much faith in you. Great job mum."

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