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Video of woman struggling to handle her kids highlights what it means to be a 'married single mom'

In a viral video, a mother can be seen falling to the ground while handling her children even as the kids' father walks past scrolling through his phone.

Video of woman struggling to handle her kids highlights what it means to be a 'married single mom'
Cover Image Source: Pexels | Photo by Greta Hoffman

Being a single mom is an exhausting, challenging, and often overwhelming job. Beyond those who are divorced, widowed, or raising children alone, there’s another group: "married single moms." These are moms who, despite having a partner, shoulder all the parenting responsibilities as if they were single. A viral TikTok video perfectly captures this dynamic, amassing over 33 million views and 24k comments. The clip highlights the struggle many mothers face, taking on the full load of parenting while the fathers remain disengaged.

In the brief nine-second video, recorded from what seems to be a doorbell or home security camera, a mom is seen juggling multiple tasks—unpacking the car, holding her baby, and helping her kids. With a large bag on her shoulder, she accidentally backs into her unsupervised toddler, causing all three to fall to the ground. The dad, who had been idly scrolling on his phone, finally enters the scene. The mom is visibly worried as she ensures everyone is fine while constantly saying, "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." 

Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok

The dad also checks up on his wife and babies and he says, "She’s okay." The comments section had varied views from the TikTok users. The original context of the picture is not clear. It is not easy to see the two kids and the mom in a dangerous situation and equally exasperating to see the dad find some new undiscovered amount of inability to look out for his family. Many of the comments were sarcastic, pointing out the irresponsibility of the father. 

@me wrote, "I hope he realizes he is the problem." @Sara wrote, "Our marriage was perfect, I don't understand [why] she left me." @IztaofNeza said, "you're NeVeR iN tHe MoOd AnYmOrE," while @Userfriendly commented, "The divorce was so sudden." @DeeTee points out, "If [only] there was another adult involved in the clip who could have helped the mom out." "Single motherhood is rough, especially with 3 kids," quipped @user8623503223144. @Maria said, "She needs a new man." 

"And then he’ll be BLINDSIDED when one day she decides to leave him," observed @SteveStevenTheCat. Another user said, "How nice of that stranger to help console that single mother's child." @RoxyO wrote, "And that phone never left his hand. Also sir, why is she doing everything?" @Ky commented, "Wow, stay single and travel ladies," while @Rachelle said, "And this is one of the reasons I left and did it on my own. You are already doing it alone. Drop the adult child."

This article originally appeared on 5.01.23.

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