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Mom can't stop laughing after she accidentally flashes her daughter's Zoom class and it's hilarious

Rather than wallow in the pits of embarrassment alone, the mother-of-three decided to share her chaotic experience with the world in a hilarious video.

Mom can't stop laughing after she accidentally flashes her daughter's Zoom class and it's hilarious
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Ashley Smith

One Florida mom gave her daughter’s first grade class an eyeful to talk about after she accidentally walked in naked during their Zoom call. Ashley Foret Smith found herself living her worst parenting nightmare when she accidentally Zoom-bombed her 7-year-old's class while completely naked after stepping out of the shower. Rather than wallow in the pits of embarrassment alone, the mother-of-three decided to share her chaotic experience with the world in a hilarious Facebook video that gained more than 1.8 million views in three weeks.

"I watch all of these videos of people on the internet and I don’t believe it," Foret Smith revealed. And then it just happened to me." Captioning the video, she wrote: "I have contemplated sharing this as it is the most embarrassing thing that has EVER happened to me. But, I think we could all use this laugh. Today I became a cautionary tale. Woke up, got everyone logged on to school, hammered out some work, and then was going to hop in the shower before I needed to run out of the house. I was winning the day! I should have known it was too good to be true. Hopped in the shower. Jumped out. Threw my hair up in a towel. Leisurely sauntered across the room to grab my clothes. THEN. IT. HAPPENED. I heard a small voice say "hang on one second" and then another one say "I think we need to hang up, we are going to get in trouble." Ummmm, wherein the heck are these voices coming from? I’ll tell you where they were coming from. The perfectly angled computer sitting atop a pillow on my bed. While I was showering, the youngest one set up her Zoom meeting on my bed. Her computer was on my pillow, camera facing the middle of the room, she was on her stomach tucked under the covers, she continued.


Did I just walk naked into a zoom call? I DID! I am the person that watches the News or scrolls through FB at night and declares that all Zoom videos are staged. There is no way a news anchor's mistress walked into the screen. Well, I was wrong. It’s totally possible. But, what do you do then? Send apology notes? Insist it wasn’t you? Immediately withdraw your children? Move to Canada? Own it? Foret Smith contemplated.


This wasn’t in the parenting handbook. Virtual schooling is hard. Balancing everything is hard. Not being able to exist in your own house without knowing where a zoom call might pop up is HARD. May my humiliation make you giggle tonight. I hate pictures, I hate videos, there is little proof of my existence beyond live interactions. But, for some reason, I picked up my phone to document my embarrassment. WEAR YOUR CLOTHES! END VIRTUAL SCHOOL, she concluded. Foret Smith added in the comments that her daughter's teacher later "announced 'Boys and Girls, please don't enter the Zoom meeting before the teachers are here!' She should add in: 'Please make sure you are positioned against a wall and that your parents are dressed.'"


Speaking to Insider about the hilarious parenting fail, she said: "Parenting books teach you a lot of things. How to change a diaper, how to handle the terrible 2s, how to potty train your toddler. But nowhere in these books is there a chapter on how to virtual school during a pandemic. How was I supposed to handle this?" Foret Smith has been taking some unique precautionary measures to avoid another accidental naked Zoom bombing ever since, some of which she revealed in a Facebook album titled "ZoomGate." She explained that she hopes the video and the follow-up pictures, encourage parents to find the humor during these stressful times. 


"Practicing social distancing for so long makes you feel like you are in this all alone. When in fact, every single one of us is learning this new way of life," she said. "I hope that other parents learn that it is OK to not be perfect — that we are all doing our best to balance so many things right now."


This article originally appeared 4 years ago.

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