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Mom of biracial child lists the things she had to unlearn and learn after marrying a Black man

Amid nationwide protests against systemic racism and counter-protests attempting to demean the Black Lives Matter movement, this mom decided to pen down what it's like to be a biracial family.

Mom of biracial child lists the things she had to unlearn and learn after marrying a Black man
Image Source: Facebook/The Chandler Crew

Pamela and Walter Chandler have been married for seven years. In this time, as a white woman married to a Black man, Pamela has had a front seat view of the unspoken rules her husband has to live by. She's also seen the wide disparity in representation and the constant fear of racial profiling that follows her family. Now, amid nationwide protests against systemic racism and counter-protests attempting to demean the Black Lives Matter movement, she decided to list down all these things in a powerful Facebook post. 


So as a white woman married to a black man and raising a biracial child I’ve had to unlearn a lot of things. I’ve also had to LEARN twice as much. I’ve had to become aware and start to notice things my mind never would have before. My husband, Walter, and I were recently discussing these things, and here’s a list of all the things we’ve encountered, Pamela wrote. I have to drive basically anytime we are leaving the Dayton area. We don’t talk about it each time, we just both know that if we are leaving our general “safe” area and heading to smaller town Ohio roads I’m the one driving.


I have to handle store clerks, returns, getting documents signed, anything with any federal building or administrative work, I get further with any type of “paperwork” thing that needs handled, people listen to me and are much more agreeable than with him, she revealed. The chances that we find a Black or Interracial couple on a greeting card are SLIM. Unless you want to give the same Black Couple card every year, which we have. There are hundreds of white couples to choose from though!


My husband goes out of his way to be nice and talk to EVERYONE. Not because he’s a people person, but because he has learned that a 6’5 Black man intimidates people and so he overcompensates by being overly friendly so people won’t be afraid of him, Pamela explained. If Walter is pushing the cart I always have to have my receipt ready when leaving the store. None of our neighbors thought we owned our home, multiple neighbors stopped my father and asked him if he was the new landlord for us. Because of course, the old white man must have purchased the home. Not only do we own our home, it’s fully paid off, we have no mortgage and we paid for it BY OURSELVES.


It took us YEARS to find a church without racist undertones and low key racist members, YEARS! When doll shopping our daughter gets 25 white options and 1-2 black or mixed-race doll options. The same people who stop us daily to say how adorable our daughter is, are the same people who would cross the street if Walter was walking alone. We avoid all places with confederate flags. If we go to Bob Evans (or any restaurant that caters to “seniors”) too early we are met with a lot of stares, the old racists eat between 4-5 p.m. When Walter goes to a playground with our daughter he constantly stays by her side, if not he gets stares and people wonder what the “big black man” is doing on the park bench.


Walter is concerned our Black Lives Matter sign by the door will make us a target when he is not home so he asked me to remove it, she wrote. Concluding her post, Pamela clarified that she wasn't looking for sympathy by detailing the reality of being a biracial family. We have a wonderful life and are thankful for it. But... changes need to happen. This is just a small glimpse into the intentional and unintentional racism that happens everywhere, all the time. I want a better world for our daughter so I’m happy that things are changing. I know a lot of you are tired of the protests and tired of the changes and tired of people complaining, she explained.


Well, I’m tired of having to find a different gas station when the one we drive by has two trucks with confederate flags and 6 white boys in sleeveless shirts standing around outside. I’m tired of my husband having to talk to everyone and never complain even when they mess up his order 10,000 times, I’m tired of driving Damn near everywhere, I’m tired of the sick feeling I get when a cop pulls behind us, I’m tired of having to worry anytime my husband has to work OT and leaves in the middle of the night, I’m tired and I’ve only been on this ride 7 years, imagine a lifetime of this!


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