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Mom asks the internet for advice after 7-year-old son receives rude note from classmate's parents

The note that her son received from his peer's parents left the mom 'infuriated' and her emotions resonated with a lot of parents online.

Mom asks the internet for advice after 7-year-old son receives rude note from classmate's parents
Cover Image Source: TikTok|@wickatoria89

Parents have an instinctive urge to protect their kids from all kinds of experiences that they don't think are good. This urge may cause them to act impulsively and sometimes, even be in the wrong. A mom named Victoria (@wickatoria89) was upset and wanted to act after her 7-year-old son received a harsh letter from a fellow parent. The mom mentioned that she was feeling agitated but wanted other parents’ advice on how to respond to the matter. 

Image Source: TikTok|@wickatoria89
Image Source: TikTok|@wickatoria89

Sharing more context, Victoria mentioned that her son goes to summer camp and has another 7-year-old companion he hangs out with. She added that on most occasions, the two kids end up in some disagreement. Victoria acknowledged that both kids are just 7 years old and such bickering is often expected. However, when the scenario became concerningly repetitive, the camp authorities spoke to the parents of both kids.

The mom explained that she had a talk with her son. “I told him we treat people the way we want to be treated. I told him we were at camp to make friends and not enemies. Be nice and stop your garbage,” she said. The next day, when the boys went back to camp, Victoria’s son was handed over a note. The mom shared the note and said, “It’s the whole reason I am infuriated.” 

Image Source: TikTok|@wickatoria89
Image Source: TikTok|@wickatoria89


The kids went off to camp but the mom mentioned that the note handed over to her son was written by parents and not the kid. “The note was written by parents, yelling and bullying my son,” she exclaimed. “I will let you read the note. You let me know what you would do,” the mom said. The note recklessly read, “Ethan, Please stay away from him! Do not talk to him! Do not touch him! Do not even look at him! You guys do not get along! I do not want to hear another incident that involves you. Keep your hands and your mouth to yourself! Thanks.”

Image Source: TikTok|@wickatoria89
Image Source: TikTok|@wickatoria89

Filled with exclamatory sentences, a brutal tone and careless words, the note seemed like a harsh threat. The mom was agitated that a note like this was handed to her little boy. She added that she shared the situation with the camp counselor and they too, were taken aback. “The camp counselor said, ‘I’ve been a teacher for 30 years and I've never seen a parent write a note like this to a 7-year-old who can barely read,’” the mom recalled. When Victoria asked for advice from fellow parents, it was unbelievable to many that a parent could be so cold-hearted to a child.

Image Source: TikTok|@chronicallymaria
Image Source: TikTok|@chronicallymaria
Image Source: TikTok|@deannasalazar2
Image Source: TikTok|@deannasalazar2

Many suggested the mom move her kid to another camp or have the other kid moved. @drpixie12 wrote, “That note should be grounds to remove that family from camp. Period.” @mellyc627 added, “No parent should be independently communicating with another child without their parents’ concert. So very far over the line.” @wdgd4 remarked, “The camp needs to talk to that parent. Maybe even kick them out of camp. This is ridiculous.” @asuba95 exclaimed, “Time to confront the other kid’s parents. You are in no way overreacting.”

@wickatoria89 Would you be mad if you’re seven-year-old received a letter like this from an adult?#bulling #parents #advice #parentingtips #parenting #madmomma #fyp ♬ original sound - Victoria


You can follow Victoria (@wickatoria89) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.

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