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Mom asks pediatrician about kids going back to school, receives 'sobering' reality check

The New York Times bestselling author Aisha Saeed shared her learnings from a conversation with her children's pediatrician to prepare other parents for what's to come.

Mom asks pediatrician about kids going back to school, receives 'sobering' reality check
Image Source: aishacs / Twitter

The United States has been grappling with the idea that children will be heading back to school this fall ever since Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced a federal "plan" to reopen educational institutions. The announcement worried several parents. Community spread is still a concern in the country and schools are more likely than not going to be a hotspot for it. Therefore, one concerned parent decided to ask their children's pediatrician what they can expect if they send their kids back to school. The New York Times bestselling author of Amal Unbound and Yes No Maybe So, Aisha Saeed, shared her findings via a Twitter thread.



She wrote, "I spoke with my children's pediatrician today about her thoughts about sending my kids back to school... First, each area/region will be different so this perspective may not make sense elsewhere. Second, it's one pediatrician's point of view. I've known her [for] a decade and trust her, but it's one opinion. Third, this is just me sharing what she shared. Not saying what anyone should do." After clarifying the caveats, she jumped straight into the conversation she had with her children's doctor. Needless to say, she was not exactly pleased.



"She said that though the rhetoric is kids are not as affected, she has seen a lot of kids coming in with [the disease]. Not much [during] March through May, but ever since summer camps opened, kids are coming in," Saeed explained. "She said it's a 10 percent positive test rate at their clinic and kids are coming in with high fevers. [It's] not the asymptomatic stories I mostly hear. No Kawasaki yet either thankfully, but definitely kids who are pretty ill." The most impactful part of their conversation, however, came at this point.



The author stated, "She said if I choose to send my kids to in-person school I need to accept that my children will come home with it eventually. There is so much community spread here... That's it. That's the thread. It may be nothing revolutionary but it was sobering for me because headlines and pundits are one thing, but a doctor I've trusted my children's wellbeing to since each were born... That opinion goes a long way for me." She later empathized with teachers who expressed grief and fear about going back to school in the middle of a pandemic. In the replies, several others joined in, sharing their concerns as parents as well. Districts may still only be coming up with plans for the upcoming school year, but one thing is certain: we're all scared. No child should have to learn in fear.


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