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Mom accidentally buys inappropriate gift for her 3-year-old toddler in hilarious mixup

The stress and frenzy of the holiday season got to Dani and she ended up buying an inappropriate gift home for her boy.

Mom accidentally buys inappropriate gift for her 3-year-old toddler in hilarious mixup
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@danimorin13

Christmas is not easy for any parent. Children love this holiday season and in most cases, mothers become responsible for making it the best experience for them. They need to get a list from them and buy gifts accordingly. There are a thousand other things that they need to take care of on this occasion, from dinner to parties, and there is no end to their responsibilities. In such a tight schedule, it is quite natural for some mistakes to happen. Dani (@danimorin13 on TikTok) shared her hilarious goof-up with her followers which happened while purchasing her son's gift. Her son wanted to buy a monster truck calendar, but instead of the trucks, the calendar she got featured something else.

Image Source: TikTok/@danimorin13
Image Source: TikTok/@danimorin13

The video begins with an overlay text that reads, "Major mom fail and no time to fix it." It features Dani seeing the calendar and saying, "I screwed up." It then goes back in time to when she was wrapping the gifts that she had brought for her son. She was in her sweats for a long and arduous session of gift wrapping. She starts off by asking God for serenity before explaining why. Her son is a huge fan of monster trucks and quite obviously wanted an advent calendar from the Monster Jam franchise. Though she did not quite understand the fascination, she brought him the calendar for Christmas.

Image Source: TikTok/@danimorin13
Image Source: TikTok/@danimorin13

The mother added, "I don't know why he wanted a calendar, he also wants an advent calendar full of monster trucks that he can put on his door." As she was saying this, she opened her calendar and gave a horrified expression. She was absolutely flabbergasted to see the pictures on the calendar. The mother saw it again to confirm and was horrified as she put together the mistake she had made in her mind. She finally exclaimed, "This isn't Monster Jam. I cannot give this to my 3-year-old." She then showed it to the camera.

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A post shared by Mom Hacks | Travel | Child Safety | UGC (@danimorin_)


Aside from monster trucks, it had models posing on them. This was definitely not what the boy had in mind when he asked for the calendar. The mother figured out that she had given an order for the wrong calendar. She was supposed to order from Moster Jam and instead ordered from Monster Trucks. She cautioned others, "This is what you get moms, when you're ordering things off the internet at 3 a.m." The mix-up definitely gave people a few laughs but left the mother in a predicament as she did not have her son's gift any longer. Not to fret, as the comment section had her back. @anumstead commented to help Dani, "Target has a monster jam advent calendar; it's expensive and it's family-friendly."

Image Source: TikTok/@ksemenza
Image Source: TikTok/@ksemenza


Image Source: TikTok/@madelennny
Image Source: TikTok/@madelennny

The comment section was in splits after seeing this mix-up. @sorteberg4 wrote about a similar incident that happened to her: "This happened to us with a monster truck DVD from Walmart in 2011." @jvcustomrods gave a suggestion to improve the child's Christmas experience and commented, "That monster truck museum in Butler is awesome. Take him there; it'll be the greatest day of his life."

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A post shared by Mom Hacks | Travel | Child Safety | UGC (@danimorin_)


This article originally appeared 1 year ago.

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